I have had some great teachers over the years ~ the one teacher that stands out in my mind the most
is Barbara Szabo. In 9th grade I was at the height of confusion, an alcoholic family, dysfunctional and she pulled it all together for me. She took an interest and the time, her time, to mentor me and most of all to believe in myself. The best school year I ever had, because of her, I VALUE!!!!!!!!!! education, because of her I learned I can glean a positive from the most negative, because of her I learned to believe in me. She did this by reaching out. To this day I would absolutely love to find her (and I've tried) to thank her and tell her " if it wasn't for you, I am scared to think would could have happened" Her words to me still speak in my head, why I think I've championed through some difficult situations. Barbara Szabo was a teacher in Woodbridge Township, NJ. I sincerely love that woman.