Just wanted to say...

I'm kindof glad it was gone. Those threads are like bad highway accidents. You don't want to look,

you're afraid to look, but you can't stop from looking and then you feel horrible afterward.

SO GLAD I don't go out to that world anymore.

Sorry to have linked it, it's just there's no way I could describe the depths of their nonsense

and my gratitude for our nice group here.....

Thanks for taking one for the team, H! (more)

I've stumbled in there a few times, looking for old posts and am AWED (and not in a good way) at the mean-ness of some posts. I just don't get it.

Food and Mean. They don't even rhyme.

But honestly, I see this everywhere on the I-net. Anonymity allows the worst to stream out of fingertips.
