Kinda, sorta food related: I need a good all-purpose vitamin. But most (so far ALL)


make me either nauseated from the smell (all of the liquid versions) or pill versions get stuck in my "smaller than normal" esophagus (why, oh why couldn't that problem have been with my thighs???)

I'm deficient in Vitamin D, B-12, B-3 and low in iron.

I've even tried chewing "Flintstones" kid vitamins, but they even made me sick.

Since I am extremely deficient in Vitamin D - oh fun - I just got

some D3 supplements and they are tiny caplets.

Coral LLC Daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU - with 100 mg calcium (guaranteed not to "repeat" on you in any fashion)

Another recommendation by a friend who is a naturalpath is Liquid Health's vitamins. They have a liquid Vitamin D and liquid supplements.

Have you tried the gummi vitamins? My coworker takes them and says they are really good, almost too good, she could eat the whole bottle...

I had to "implore" my doctor to check me for Vitamin D because she insisted that NO ONE living in FL

can be deficient.

Oh. I. Beg. To. Differ.

Now I've had at least 5 friends AND Larry find out they're all deficient. Most of us are office workers, but Larry is retired and walks every day. What's up with that? Seems we're not able to absorb vitamin D from sunshine anymore.

I can commiserate. Having worked in pharmacies for years, I would get sick just smelling B ...

vitamins and especially iron.

If I take them now, I can taste it all day.

I was told that the D3 are superior for you

Mine was so low that I had a prescription for 50,000 IU that I took once a week. But I have since switched to D3 daily that I get from Costco or Vitacost. They sent me this $10/$10 deal if anyone wants it:

Same with me Marilyn. Lived in Florida walked every day during nice weather and had extremely low

levels. I blame sunscreen.

Sounds like it's Costco! Thanks everyone. I'd already given a coworker half the membership

fee and she shops for me for smaller items like butter, vanilla, dried cranberries, Tillamook cheese. It's too far away from home and I never have my car here in Orlando so that has been working out well.

My doc is thinking my low levels might have something to do with my food allergy symptoms

normal low range is 30, mine is 8. She says lack of sun, sunscreen are what cause most people's levels to be insufficient, whereas I am severely deficient. My new directions are to get 20 minutes of sun a week on bare skin, and take 4,000-5,000 IUs a day - if I still have insufficient Vitamin D then there is another causor behind the low level.

Her comments on low Vitamin D and why it's important to fix it - causes calcium leaching from the bones, poor immunity, slow healing, bone pain and "other dire things", as she puts it to prevent me from googling everything in sight and getting worried. So of course I googled it and cardiovascular disease and cancer have been linked to low Vitamin D.

So it's reasonable to get checked and if your doctor scoffs then it's time to find a new one.

Seems like everyone is being diagnosed low on Vitamin D these days...

I am on a prescription strength and they are small little liquid capsules that I haven't had any problems with.

As for B12, DD and I both use the ones by Natures Bounty that we get at Costco are sublingual. DD has to take some many prescriptions for her fibro and autoimmune conditions that she has to watch or she gets sick from them and she actually just told me to tell you that she likes these - because they are sublingual and cherry flavored.

When they ran thorough blood tests on me recently to check for any deficiencies, D was my only issue and they said everything else was good to great and to keep doing what I was doing. Which DD & I both started on doTerra oils and supplements first of the year along with ProBoost Thymus. I became an independent consultant for doTerra just for the discounts but the oils are superior to any others and the supplements typically don't have as many chemicals or additives as most of the others, even natural blends, I have compared them to. It may be psychological but both of us feel that we can tell a pretty big difference with all of these products.

I have not sold or even really pushed or tried to sell the doTerra to anyone but if you are interested, let me know and I can send you the link to my 'consultant' website.
