We just don't spend time outside like everyone used to do smileys/frown.gif
C cheezz Well-known member May 10, 2013 #21 We just don't spend time outside like everyone used to do smileys/frown.gif
L lisainla Well-known member May 11, 2013 #22 Me four - it's the only vitamin I can stomach. Good luck Mar!
L lisainla Well-known member May 11, 2013 #23 Yes, and it can be sunscreen use that interferes with the synthesis of Vit D.
C curious1 Well-known member May 12, 2013 #24 Sublingual works for me and allowed me to stop giving myself injections.
A angak1 Well-known member May 13, 2013 #25 TJs has great sublingual B12 that dissolves quicky. the one with folic acid takes a bit longer