Let's talk about carmelizing onions.

This made me hungry for BBQed Chicken w/carmelized onions and brie

BBQed Chicken w/Carmelized Onions and Brie
I haven't made this quick n easy meal for a while and all this talk of carmelized onions reminded me of it.

4ish Chicken breasts
1-2 onions, sliced thin (I use 2)
1 recipe of your fav BBQ sauce, warmed

Carmelize onions over med heat in sauté pan with some olive oil (will take about 25 mins.)

Grill chicken to taste with a little s/p.

To serve top chicken with brie torn into a few chunks, carmelized onions, and bbq sauce. (You want the brie to melt a bit so reheat if needed.) Then lick plate clean. smileys/smile.gif
