College kids are laughing at us, Missy. Not that we care, but it's kinda funny.
Here are some notes from college kids regarding how they struggle with us:
I was talking to my mom on Facebook Chat. She left me a message on my wall, then called me to tell me about it while we were still chatting. Then she called my dad to tell him to tell me about it. Then my dad came inside and told me to check my "Facemail" because my mom left me a message.
Chris S., Culinary Institute of America
I recently installed a wireless router for my parents. After everything was up and running my mom asked me if she still needed to hit the button on the front of the computer. Confused, I asked what she was talking about. She pointed to the power button. Yeah mom, you still have to turn on the computer.
mike smith
My Grandpa forgot his email password, so he canceled his internet
JD Ellis
When my mom gets a text message on her phone, she thinks that the first few preview words that display in the inbox is the entire text message. So she always calls the person to ask what their text meant.
Emilee Lasoski, LCCC
I was sitting in front of a communal computer at my job, checking my phone, when I got called away to lift some boxes. I left my cell on the mousepad, and when I came back, one of the older ladies was trying to use it as a mouse. When I looked at her inquisitively, she laughed with embarrassment, flipped the phone right-side-up and kept trying to use it as a mouse.
David Aranda
I just had to explain to my father how having two screens plugged into my computer doesn't "use more internet."
Mac Anna, University of Analheim