Made this wonderful Boston Cream Pie yesterday from Bravetart - also request for help

apparently it is right

according to the author. Sorry for the confusion. In the comments on the web page it says it is wrong but then later the author corrects them (which I missed at first because the comments were hidden) and says it is right BUT she also says that foodandwine changed the recipe instructions.

this is what she said (we didn't get that "ultra silky consistency"):

"Stella Parks:
Hey, y'all! It's not a typo, the pudding is indeed made with egg whites, which give it an ultra silky consistency and pronounced vanilla flavor. If anyone can describe the problem, I'd love to help figure out what went wrong.

Oh no! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I just re-read through the directions above and see that the recipe has been changed from the version that's in my book. The directions are fine up until the egg whites and dairy have been combined. From there, it should read, "Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly but not vigorously, until custard begins to thicken and bubble, about 3 minutes. Set a timer and continue whisking for 1 full minute more. This ensure that the custard gels without a starchy mouthfeel." The custard has to be held at a boil for one minute in order to thicken; I don't know why this detail was changed from the official text. I will contact someone at F&W straight away!"

maybe she missed that

I will try making just the pudding when I get over the flu!
