Marilyn, I was busy making cake balls today so I took a pic

I stared at it for the longest time, trying to figure that out too! No, handle didn't

fold or come off. I thought you might like it instead of using the cooling rack, that sounded like it might've been a little clumsy(?).

It looked like a cutter of some kind, with jagged wires, maybe for dicing potatoes or fruit. I may go back and get it anyway... Ooh, French fry slicer! Long and skinny. Yep, that would make sense.

I don't use the canned - make my own cream cheese frosting. deb - another hint...

When you are rolling them into balls, don't think "delicate", think "modeling clay". I squeeze it together firmly, then flatten hard between my palms before rolling into a ball. You'd think this would destroy it and make it hard, but somehow it doesn't.

I inherited 2 graters identical 2 yr pic frm my MIL. She (& now I) use them 2 grate potatoes 4

potatoes pancakes.
