Marsha tbay - Made the Orange Chipotle-spiced Pecan Mix you posted. YUM!

Is this canned chipotle pepper or dried?

I missed this recipe and think my family would love it! Thanks Marsha and Traca!

If I get it made I'll report back with my family's feedback. I have 2 lbs of pecan halves not spoken for and was thinking of spiced nuts. Anyone else have a favorite? I can't get on my desktop at the moment and that's where all my recipes are stored. ugh


Gayle, I used dried. Didn't even think about using canned chipotles.

The orange flavor is very subtle and I'm thinking the canned might overwhelm the orange. I'm on the fence. Maybe do a 1/2 batch of each?

Was afraid of that, Traca....will see if I can track some down over the weekend...

Rural Missouri shopping is limited but I'll check out some Hispanic markets.


I didn't have any either and just went for my chili powder that was dark & smoky. We're snowed in

over here and I'm passing the time away baking up a storm. (We got a freak snow at my place--8" when it rarely snows here at all. Average winter temp is 45, now it's 23. Yowza! Good thing I'm a midwest girl. smileys/wink.gif)

okay, I chuckled at "snowed in". DS called to say the kids had a snow day---no snow, just

anticipating. this is in Issaquah. they do live up Squak Mtn, so I guess that road can get pretty nasty.

Get out! I'm 15 minutes away in Bellevue and I've got 8 inches!

I've been avoiding the weather forecast but just saw that we've got another stormfront on the way. I'm going to try to make it to the store here shortly. Since I live at the top of a huge, curving hill, hopefully the full sun has turned the ice to mush!

he called yesterday, so maybe today they have snow. lucky kids if they get TWO snowdays before

winter break!

We are iced in too...

our driveway is a sheet of ice, and the steep road that leads to the county road is shiny with ice. I won't even attempt it since there is a deep ravine if you slide across the county road. I am not as afraid of driving in the snow as I used to be, but ice is another matter. My son was sliding down the hill on his knees!

you all in MO get pounded with ice every winter. I just hate those sheets of ice. take care.

Heard about the snow out there! Yikes!

I know when I lived in Texas years ago 1" of snow would send a panic! lol Makes a difference when one is used to it. Bad thing is people don't know how to drive in it and there are so many wrecks.

Thanks for the tip on the chili powder! Had thought about the LaTienda Sweet Smoked Paprika.

Keep warm and have fun baking!

Wow, Dawn! We got all melted off this week but there's another round coming...

I dread it!

I drive on ice sometimes but you really have to creep along. If I don't have to - I don't! Not worth the risks.

Hot chocolate weather!! smileys/smile.gif

Wish we lived a couple of hours closer!!!

Ang....the last few years we have but before that it'd been a few

since it'd been really bad. I think most people have prepared this year after the last 2, though. I notice a lot of people buying the gallon jugs of water at the store a lot lately. Bad thing about being in the country is there is no water if the elec is off.

It can be a lot of fun in a storm, though, if you have people who get along cooped up together. Otherwise, it would be pure hell! LOL

For us the big problem is the hills...and no snow equiment. It's usually 45 degrees right now

and we're at 25. I stopped by the gas station and the guy said I had a foot of snow on my car! We got pummeled and there's more coming. The grocery store is worse than Thanksgiving! Thank goodness I could get gas. A couple years ago there was none to be had and I lost power for 8 days....I'm grateful for heat....and acess to the grocery store...and internet. (You may notice I'm posting more than usual the past couple days.) smileys/wink.gif

Here here, in San Francisco it's chilly and we had hail and rain. I'm going to the foothills where

it's been told to me that the birdbath freezes solid every night, poor birdies go skating in the morning until my step dad gets out there with the hose and a hammer! I'm searching my closet for long underwear. anything under 50 to me is completely alltogether way too cold!
