May I vent?


Well-known member
I have one of those apple peeler-corer thingies that clamps to the counter. It's one of my favorite kitchen tools because I no longer have to peel apples when I want to make an apple crumble. Just jam the apple on, turn it a few times, and you have a cored, peeled apple. What could be better?

Well, my DH GAVE IT AWAY to my FIL because apparently I "don't use it often enough." I about hit the roof. I've been steamed about this for months. I don't go into HIS workshop and give away HIS tools because he doesn't use them often enough. (He also did this with my narrow microplane.)


Is there any way I can get my tools back? Without getting anyone into trouble? Or should I just quietly buy replacements?

Ok, rant over. Thanks for listening...

would he notice an absence of all apple goodies?? not nice, but that wasn't very nice?

I don't think you can get them back but buy new ones LOUDLY. You should let your DH know how upset..

you are and how you don't want him giving away any other kitchen stuff.
Curious - does your FIl cook so much?

Replace and use with a vengance! Know that they went to good homes, and hopefully will be used.

Send emails with rec: that use them...Take the high road....

And have a "family meeting" with dh on what not to do in the future!

But, I would replace them.

Good luck!

I would replace it, but tell Hub what he did was wrong and that it just cost him $$ to replace it.

So if he thought the original wasn't getting enough usage, it just cost TWICE that much now. I also think your analogy of donating one of his tools without his knowledge would be an EXCELLENT opening statement.

Some kitchen tools are specific and don't need daily usage. But when used, they are darn helpful and make the task easier. I make applesauce much more often using that peeler/corer thing. I just don't have good luck keeping all my flesh when I use a hand peeler.

I agree. I slept on the couch once because I threw away a wall decoration...

...that had great sentimental value to DW. I did not know this, and tossed it.

Now, I don't toss my cookies without permission.


Oooo--I like this--the financial aspect might get his attention.

He just claims that I can always "borrow" them back from my FIL if I need them. I contend that I shouldn't have to "borrow" tools that should still be in my kitchen drawer.

BTW, we did have a "discussion" about this when it first happened, so I haven't been steaming on my own about this. DH knows fully well how I feel about it. It's too bad I can't just move his table saw over to his dad's...

I feel like I'm being a kindergartner about this ("Amanda doesn't share well with others..."), but something about this just really gets my goat.

Why should you buy a new one?

Give him the make and model number and send him to Williams-Sonoma.

I get teased for the number of kitchen "things" I have but Ed wouldn't dare get rid of something without my permission.

I like Ang's suggestion, but I'd go a step further. Buy a similar one and offer that

one to your father-in-law if the one you had has sentimental value or if it works really well. If he offers yours back to you, take it and return the new one back to the store; if not, give it to him graciously with a smile :eek:).

In fact, have DH do it! Heck, you could have mine if I wasn't a patient peson... mine doesn't work very well but I pull it out every once in a while to try again. Just whittles my apples apart.

"Baby needs applesauce" may also work too (kidding).

Dawn, the tension on the stem is probably too tight on your peeler.

If it's too tight, it holds too close to the apple and peels away too much. However, too loose and the peeler will skim over the peel and not cut it away. Try adjusting that. I always get some meat with the peel. But I always eat all the peels anyway thinking of them as a huge fiber pill.

I've attached some tips for manipulating the peeler. I had no clue you could do these things either!

This is NOT a time to be quiet... it will only make him think he can do it again!

I agree with the "buy new ones and stick hubby with the bill" - let him see how much these things cost. Guys feel it in the wallet before anywhere else smileys/smile.gif

Amanda, I don't know the family dynamics, but unless your FIL is one to procure gifts

for himself, in which case you should borrow it back indefinitely, I say leave him out of it, buy the most expensive peeler possible and mark it clearly with your name and address. Big red nail polish letters might drive the point home.

Maybe your husband feels a need to impress or please his father, and/or maybe he needs to hear that this was not only maddening, but hurtful.

I wonder if non-cooks have any idea how much we love our tools!
