Mia's post inspired me

Mimi, they're not only good lookers, but, judging from the expressions>>>

on their faces, they are filled with personality, also.
You should be very proud!

Mimi, The boys are so strikingly handsome and keep up the cooking time flies by so..

quickly. I know in our family, cooking together made lifetime memories.

Oh so sweet! Thanks for sharing! My daughter told me yesterday (m)

that "Megan's Mom (One of her friends from school) doesn't know how to cook! Can you believe that Momma! She doesn't even like or understand recipes! Megan has to have oven food every night!....Maybe we can go over to Megan's house for a playdate and teach her Mom how to cook..."

Put a smile on my face to realize how cooking/eating has become an important learning experience for her. Also made me realize that she, in her own way was appreciative of my efforts.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. I really need to get a digital camera!!


what nice sentiment. makes me think of crosby, stills and nash.

please don't make me feel ancient by asking me who they are.

boy, those apples didn't fall far from the tree! Mimi, do they look like you or their dad? ...

how nice to wake up and have my tea and find happy smiling faces. thanks for sharing them and watch them when they get older, they're going to be heartbreakers smileys/smile.gif


Felix looks like me, Alex looks like Dad, and Justin looks like a mixture of the two.

oh. it's the eyes, they all have similar sparkley eyes. your gonna have your hands full with those

sparkles '-)
