Miniature flan help...

I had much better luck using more sugar and a wider teflon frying pan.

It seems more work when I'm trying to use exactly the amount they specify.

By dumping more sugar in the pan, there were less hot spots and I could visually see when it went from one state to the next.

I think the recipe called for 1/2 C and I used 1 cup. Didn't matter if some was wasted.

But with teflon, you can't tell the color of the caramel soon enough... this is what I always do...

put the sugar in your skillet on med-low heat and stir in 2 tbl. or so of water.... not important to measure it because it will evaporate. Stir the water into the sugar completely, then leave it alone -- don't move or stir it for awhile. When it has an even layer of little bubbles all over the whole surface, then watch carefully because it's almost done. You can gently swirl the skillet at this point, then let it finish browning. As soon as it is the color of a shiny penny, then remove from the heat and set the bottom of the pan into cold water to immediately cool it. Perfect caramel every time!

Wasted caramel? Never heard of such a thing! smileys/wink.gif))
