Phone Manual?!! Don't mock us, Such a thing does not exist in GUY world.
Unfortunately, I left all our 'tweens in Oregon. All my California nieces and nephews are grown up with jobs and lives, and it's hard to get ahold of them. We have the most fabulous pictures of Randi, and I have tried to forward them to my email address, which is quite long, using several levels of reading glasses and Jacques' phone, and absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't show up in my mailbox. Is it the mailbox's problem? Am I spamming myself? Please advise.
Does someone else have a possible remedy? Is there a cord or cable I could use?
This is a selfless plea on my part, as I have seen the thumbnails and I was wearing a huge white shirt in contrast to Randi's thin black-blowsed petiteness. White shirts are not slenderizing. Please understand that I only wish to give you an accurate photo.