Once I saw that the trifle rec called 4 a purchased frozen pound cake, I decided I could make &
freeze a homemade one that would taste better so I did that on Aug 9.
Once I got word on a fairly firm nose count, I began doing my planning and about a week before the party, I was able to set my dessert menu. These people don't care what I make, just so it spells out dessert!
I like to make a combination of chocolate and non-chocolate items. I also pay attention to what can be partially made ahead & what has to be done the day B4 or on the day of the party. That way I can schedule things to be made on different days and not drive myself crazy by offering all fruit pies, for instance, as I think those taste best on the day they are made & baked. Yes, I was up with the chickens on Aug 13 to do that Blueberry Pie. Of course, I'd made the pie dough the evening before so it was well chilled and wrapped in Saran & sitting in my refrigerator.
I always make a daily "To Do" list, and once I've thought through & broken down every single step and written down each task on what day it needs to happen, then I merely need to implement per my list.
I made the 4 cracker or cookie crusts ahead & popped them into the freezer for my 3 cheesecakes + the Strawberry Cream dessert. I made all my tart shells and the pie shell for the coconut cream pie ahead, baked & froze those. I find that cooled fillings set up better in hot summer months when I can pop them into pre-baked, frozen crusts.
I bake all my cheesecakes in water baths so did those 3 items on Aug 11 as it doesn't hurt cheesecakes to sit in the refrigerator for a day or 2.
I even think through and make notes as to what garnish goes on which dessert. This year I spent about $100.00 on garnish. Example, I set my trifle(s) on a large silver tray and then grouped a whole fresh pineapple, a couple mangoes & papayas, a whole coconut, a few star fruit, some key limes, a lemon, even some fresh apricots around & in back of the glass pedestal bowls--I picked up anything I could get my hands on that I thought would look "tropical"!!!
Also used fresh mint from my herb garden & lots of edible flowers (pansies, day liles, roses, scented geraniums). I made raspberry, chocolate & caramel sauces that I put into squeeze bottles so I could squirt the appropriate flavor in zigzag patterns on the individual dessert plates before topping each slice with either sifted powdered sugar or grated chocolate or fresh stemmed cherries, toasted coconut, toasted macadamia nuts, red or yellow raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, lemon slices, chocolate-covered cherries or whipped cream. I whipped & stabilized a full quart of whipping cream and piped rosettes onto some of my dessert portions. That list of garnishes was copied from my packing list, elaine, so I know I didn't leave out anything!
Once I had completed my packing list, I packed non-perishables several days in advance--things like serving platters, trays, tray jacks, pie servers, slicing knives/spoons, apron, plastic gloves, paper towels, doilies, cutting board, decorating bag & tips, etc., etc., etc.
Once my menu was set and recipes were pulled, I greased & floured all the baking pans I needed & sifted all the dry ingredients together for the separate desserts. Had all that lined up per recipe and sitting on the dining room table 6 days before the party.
In my way of thinking, planning is the big thing. Once I have thought through everything and put it down on paper, I find implementation to be much less stressful. And this is the only way I can handle such large groups by myself. Of course, I am also the first to admit that I am a Type A personality! ha!
I'm sure this is a much longer answer than what you were expecting, but it's my full-proof method. It makes my big cooking projects much more manageable and not nearly so daunting. Wigs