My crazy world. An update.


Well-known member
Hey guys. You all have been with me through thick and thin, and it's been a blast sharing some of the stuff I've been up to in an ever evolving career in food. Recently, things have taken an interesting turn and I thought I'd share it with you.

I have a chef friend who wrote a stunning cookbook, released earlier this year. Too early, in fact. (The subject is charcuterie and the book was released in March, languished over the summer and the publisher's major marketing push ran its course by the more appropriate fall timeline.) I offered to give him a hand promoting it. Later this month, he leaves for NYC and I've been busy trying to set up media interviews, etc. So far, he'll be on live radio (recorded to podcast) and live TV. He'll also be meeting with the editor of Food & Wine mag at the James Beard House and I have some other stuff in the works. After weeks of sleuthing, I just got contacts for the producers of all the major NYC-based morning TV shows (you know the ones!) and the pitch is out for Splendid Table. Fingers crossed! While I've dabbled at this level for one-off things (No Reservations, etc.) I've never done anything on this scale. Fortunately, I believe in this guy whole heartedly and have no doubt he'll have a network show eventually. This is the first big step in that direction.

At long last....what a relief to be on board with uber talented people that I believe in. I finally came to the conclusion that no matter how badly I need the money, unless you're working with people who are worthwhile, I can't fake the enthusiasm. Chefs are notoriously difficult to work with (the joke is, CHEF is an acronym for Create Havoc, Escape Fast.) This guy, on the other hand, is on the ball and just a dream. And at this stage in my career, I can appreciate what a gift that is.

Oof! The last couple years have been absolute hell on a personal level. Who knew this rainbow and pot of gold would be there in the end?

Oh I groaned and groaned. How fascinating for you to be involved in this endeavour that

is unique and exciting!! I watched the video, that was when you heard me groaning. I miss the life of wandering the world visiting restaurants of this ilk and this just brought it all back. I love jamon and have done a lot of sampling of French charcuterie. It's all so good and always offers some big surprises. Clearly, there is so much to learn about charcuterie, so little time. And he is so right, we are sadly lacking in this type of cuisine in our New World.

I looked up Asturias, geographically and am surprised at the location. But as always, tiny countries with enormous variations of cuisines among regions.

I so wish great success for you. What an opportunity. This even surpasses the cruising chef project.

she grooooaaannned

Good luck! And thanks again for the reference to Slanted Door.

I scanned a few recipes from their book, such as the flavored fish sauce and papaya salad.

Can't image eating there...what a fabulous location.

I had made Pierre Herme's lemon creme tart last week for the library and when reading Slanted Door noticed they serve the EXACT same one, only in individual tartlette portions. The pastry chef gives credit to Hermes.

I took a photo in 1982 of a small market stall in Nice, packed with

charcuterie and local French cheeses. Of course, me being me, I rarely touched meat OR cheese during that time so the only thing I have is that photo.

Now I could spend THE ENTIRE DAY THERE and be totally happy.

Exactly. So much of my international travels happened before I was into food. Gah!

I even had a trip to Spain planned once, but didn't go for some reason. I keep thinking, I wonder how my life would be different if that came together? Ah well. Hopefully things will free up and I'll start traveling again soon. smileys/smile.gif

Marilyn, your comment about spending the entire day in one of those markets...I can totally relate. I once went to a cooking/cultural immersion in Mexico for Day of the Dead. (Taught by David, the guy who recently released the cookbook "Yucatan".) One day we had some free time and I peeled off to visit a grocery store. My friend wasn't interested. Okay, let's rendezvous in an hour. "An *hour*?" I spend an hour in the grocery store in America, of course I'm going to be an hour here! It was awesome! I took pictures like a mad woman and it turned out to be a highlight of my trip.

Beautifully shot! Wish he had gotten a book cover at the end. Fabulous! Good luck

the NYC whirlwind sounds really interesting.
Wish he could get a spot on "The Kitchen"
they could use some new material! I think he'd be a great guest.smileys/smile.gif

Mike Colameco-Real Food. You may have a shot at him too. Really down to earth, seems approachable, does a lot of local restaurants, but this may be of interest to him.

Mo, you nailed it! Link to the book here. Also he'll be on Mike Colameco's show on

Heritage Radio Network. Live at 4 pm on 1/29. I adore Mike and they just started airing his show here (after 12 seasons!) on the PBS Create channel. I've been gorging myself on his Real Food episodes on YouTube this past weekend. smileys/smile.gif Buvette. I totally need to get to Buvette! And they have a new cookbook out. Woot! (PS. Mike has a place in Cape May. Is that anywhere near you?)

Jeff will also be meeting with the editor of Food & Wine at the James Beard House, appearing on BK Live for a cooking demo with the founder of Brooklyn Cured, and just scheduled today...meeting up with Pat LaFreida for a tour of his operation. We just got new business cards proofed today, and I've got a whole bunch of other stuff in the works, but not yet nailed down. Fingers crossed!

I think so. This is lighter in color and also has more butter, so the mouth feel is

silker. That given, I still love the texture of a thick, yolky curd.

Awesome press!! So excited he's on Mike's show! I love him too!!

Was Brooklyn cured the same place Ina visited when she did her Brooklyn segment? I can' t remember. If not, that may be another spot to check out for promo.
Cape May is about 3 hours from my home, so boo! smileys/frown.gif

Good luck!
