My crazy world. An update.

I haven't seen the Ina show. Will have to look it up. The guy from Brooklyn Cured ran the

charcuterie program at Gramercy Tavern for 3 years, then broke out on his own. He started doing farmer's markets and is now in Whole Foods. I believe he said all the Whole Foods from CT to NJ. Nice guy. I'd like him a lot better if he'd call me back! Ah, the chef life. smileys/wink.gif

And on the same subject, GREAT NEWS! This just in.

We found out today, Jeff's book, "Charcuteria: The Soul of Spain" has won the Gourmand award for best international cookbook in the US. This qualifies him for the Gourmand international "Best in the World" cookbook awards, which are in June. Woot! It took him two years to write the book and now to see this kind of recognition rolling in, he couldn't be more thrilled. It's his first book too. So happy for him!
