My daughter (aged 12) came home Friday and announced she was a vegetarian.

Oh, and I just remembered. I think it was George Bernard Shaw (or was it Bertrand Russell) who was

a vocal vegetarian but had to get liver shots for aenemia. The dear, dead days!!

Not only are the recipes good, Crescent has a marvelous way of weaving stories through

food. The headnotes are wonderful reading and I often find myself flipping through this book not for recipes but just to read it.

Clearly I'm biased, but Crescent also won the James Beard Award for Passionate Vegetarian. smileys/smile.gif

Really?!! Traca, that would be fabulous! Now THAT would be a personal gift! I'll PM you smileys/smile.gif

OMG! This is priceless. Many years ago I started doing this really

weird thing. I picked people, alive, deceased, famous/not famous etc. who I thought it would be fun to have at my dinner party. I usually only wanted 8, not more than that so there would be interesting conversation. And then would spend time deciding whom should sit next to whom. The big guy thought I was strange (personally, I think that's why he married) but then I noticed he was giving suggestions. All that said...I have to have Crescent Dragonwagon at my next dinner party. Hmm, who else should I invite? Ooh Bill Clinton....

Do I need to worry that one of you is sending someone to take me away? LOL

It's the combination of Essential Amino Acids...

Traca is have to make sure you combine one from Column A with one from Column B... If you can always think to make sure she has either a meat animal protein (milk, egg, cheese, or the like), or a combination of a legume AND a grain product. That could be as simple as peanut butter on whole (stressing WHOLE here) grain bread. Beans and rice are a great combination...but beans and cornbread are equal to that. Corn is a grain product. Peas, beans, peanuts, and soy...all are of the legume family. You can also combine either of the two with vegetables to get the same result, but you have to seriously know your veggies. I got caught up in this when we lived rather essentially in the mountains. I never knew when we'd be stuck due to weather and not have the opportunity to shop for fresh food.
