Excellent info. If we ever start riding bikes again, we use the Wekiva bike trail and
two of those places should be near that. With my shoulder problems and Larry's back, our bikes have been abandoned. I'll have to mapquest the last place...have no clue where it is.
Thanks so much, Lana! I love finding good sources. The Indian grocery store near UCF is the place that had buggy pappadams, so I'm wary now.
Over Christmas we had a good Sunday brunch at an Indian restaurant near, I think...Longwood? I don't pay attention when Larry's driving. One of the college techs was leaving for Tanzania and he arranged for 12 of us to meet there. Neil said it was too expensive for an evening meal ($50 for 2), but the brunch was a $13 buffet. Warm naan (give me dal and they could stop there--I'd be happy), lots of vegetarian dishes and a good lamb dish...and I don't even like lamb. I'll get the name from Larry, who won't remember it either, but who will know the right person to ask.