My frig gave up today. So now I'm on the prowl. I understand that the bottom freezers are more

Marg CDN

Well-known member
efficient, but does anyone hate them? I've had 3 side-by-sides, and this one that died today, lasted 32 years. I am so accustomed to having my frozen food all sorted, up and down, in front of me. Is it difficult to get used to a drawer now?

Is there still lots of room to put a frozen turkey in, or something bulky like that?

I have to make a decision tomorrow. I have another frig but it sure can't hold all this stuff. The raccoons will be well-fed over the next 2 days.

Anyone's help would be appreciated. I'm considering the the it seems to be getting good reviews. I really want pull-out shelves.

I have to pull off all the upper shelves on one side of my kitchen to accommodate the higher frigs now. What a headache.

I never had trouble storing things in my bottom freezer which I had for over 25 years. It never ..

died but we got a new one -side by side - and I really don't like it nearly as well after 10 years.
My daughter recently bought the new bottom freezer with the two door frig on top. It is fabulous. There is pleny of room in the freezer and access to the frig is great and you can keep
so much in the frig and it is easily accessible.
She previously had the same type but with only 1 door on the frig. This is the model I would go with.

I recently purchased a French Door fridge with the freezer on the bottom and love it. It is

our first bottom freezer and it has its pluses and minuses.

It is a bit harder to get to item piled on one another, but you can get wider items in. Mine has a bin on top that makes it a little easier (guess they all have one). Not having to bend over for item in the upper refirgerator area is great.

LG just came out with a double door bottom freezer model. I don't know the capacity of each door, but I like the concept.

Don't buy Kitchenaid! I have the bottom drawer freezer

designer series and while I like the freezer on the bottom, their product and customer service stinks. It developed a big frozen wad on the back inside wallof the fridge behind a drawer, while still under warranty, sent the guy 3 x to fix it to no avail, wouldn't give a new one, and wanted to drain the freon on the 4th svc call. (having to take off from work each time, it was a bit much)
Good luck with your search!

I have a bit of a reprieve. Please keep comments coming. I really appreciate them. I went into the

dead frig this morning and fiddled with the settings...nothing happened./ Then when I withdrew my hand, a bottle knocked the back control panel and it all started again.

My lesson. I had already told H last week that the frig was sounding odd and I was doing research on a new one. I've now discovered that it takes a few days to get one here anyway. So I will be out tomorrow to place an order.

(there are a number of raccoons sleeping in the trees with smiles on their faces this morning)

Marg, that's sort of my solution when something goes kaputt..

If all attempts at resuscitation fail and the prognosis is buying a new appliance, I will beat, drop, and/or kick it as a final act to try and get it working again. It sometimes works : )

And sometimes just moving it works. My dad still has one that was bought 48 years ago. It quit

when it was about 17 years old and was replaced. However, for some reason, they moved it to a storage shed behind a garage and plugged it in again and it started running. It's been humming away out there with temperatures from minus zero to over 100 degrees ever since. They sure don't make them like they used to!

Do you all know that you have a better range of better-fitted appliances than we have in Can? Ticks

me off. I"ve never understood why the same products can't be sold on each side of the border. And yours are cheaper, too, for the same thing, even with the equivalent dollar.

And it's been that way forever. The original frig and ovens I got because I was a property developer, shipped in from the US...GE Profile.

I can't find one with a well-designed bottom drawer and altho I love the French door design, this bottom thing has me spooked. The bins are so huge, as you say Charlie, I can see myself emptying them to find something. GE has the double drawer bottom as well so I may end up tacking on another $1500 to get it. Nuts!

Actually, Kenmore is looking as good as anything.

Are the Kenmore appliances there the same as here? They are always at the top of the ratings in

Consumer Reports.

Some are made by Amana, some by Whirlpool. Depends on which salesperson I talk to. I saw that they

had a good rating and that was why I started considering them. But now I notice there's only one year on the compressor with 10 on GE's.

My concern about GE is that they are trying to find a buyer for their appliance division.

And then there's new-to-the-market Electrolux...very pretty.

Still ticking me off. LG is probably what put GE on the defensive & LG is supported by the Korean

gov't. They had good reports as well, but in Canada, their features are the pits!

I'm still at it today. How much of the kitchen to lose, what happens with an unfinished wall over a new frig because I have to remove a cabinet..............
