My husband had a heart attack so I now need to change our eating habits. I need some help.

AMG, we had a similar crisis 10 years ago. My better half was found to have 98 percent blockage..

Fortunately, they caught it before a heart attack and stents opened the arteries. He also is a skinny guy who exercised regularly. It's entirely hereditary in his case. Medication is a must to keep his arteries clear--diet alone won't help a case like this.

He lost a lot of weight recovering from the surgery and never really gained it all back. When he was able to exercise again that helped, and he also used protein drinks. They had to be a letdown after years of camembert dunked in hot chocolate.

I have a prejudice against anything fake--remember how they used to tell us margarine and Crisco were good for us? They turned out to be lethal, and I'm wary of other imitation foods--just my own opinion. I also find these products depressing. They remind you that you can't have the real thing.

We switched from butter to olive oil for most things. Avocados and nuts are good for you. Learning to enjoy whole grains and legumes, along with lots of fruits and vegetables will benefit everyone.

I can't imagine that an occasional pat of butter on an ear of corn wouldn't be allowed.

Long walks, when he's up to it, may be the best single thing you both can do.

What a scare. Take care!

((AGM)) Sorry to hear about your hubby, that is indeed very frightening.

I agree with the suggestions about taking your husband's info to a nutritionist, you will find them to be very helpful with a specific plan for your husband's situation.

My Dad had a heart attack at age 46, and I remember the drastic change in diet and activities he undertook afterward. His situation was different from your DH, as he was overweight and diabetic. It was amazing how quickly that change in diet and exercise helped him improve.

As far as fat free items, etc, I would wait to see what the nutritionist says, as it may not be such an issue for your DH.

Good luck!

My husband is planning on attending a Cardiac Rehab program but won't be able to until he sees the

DR on Sep 9th. He is back at work which is good since he was fretting not doing anything. He had cervical vertebrae surgery 3 weeks before the heart attack and can't do anything that he would normally do at this time of year-gardenwise. Thanks for the suggestions and support
