My latest undertaking (just for fun) - Cookies4Kindness!


Well-known member
Here's what the "About Page" says:


Hi! My name is Debra Rosenberg and I am strong believer that small acts of kindness can make this world a better place.

For example, it’s amazing the impact an unexpected smile from a stranger can have on someone. And add to that smile a delicious, unexpected cookie and, voila, instant happiness.

I have been searching for a way to make a little difference in this world by inserting a bit of happiness into others' lives. I also love to bake and have a habit of giving baked goods to others: the UPS, FedEx and USPS drivers that come to my door, our favorite plant nursery, my doctors’ offices when I have an appointment, the restaurants we frequent, etc. In fact, the door of my kitchen freezer (I have 3 in total) is filled with homemade, individually packed cookies, brownies and bars

so that I’m always ready to give.

So……I decided to combine my love of baking with my desire to spread kindness to others by giving away homemade cookies to absolute strangers, whether it is in the grocery store, at a restaurant, or running an errand with the hope that it brings a smile to their face and that they will then pass on that smile (not the cookie – they should eat them!) to someone else.

WOW! Deb kudos to you!!! What a truly kind thing to do. Random acts of kindness smileys/smile.gif

I am not nearly the baker or giver that you are but have had the same responses. One day some furniture was delivered to our house. I baked cookies all morning while waiting for them. It came and I gave them a tip for doing such a good job. Then I have them each a bag of the cookies I just made. Boy did they light up, the biggest smiles and gracious thank yous. I think I could have forgone the tip and they would have been happy with the cookies!!!! Reactions like that is what makes it worth the effort, at least for me, to bake.

Lucky folks to be recipient of your wonderful goodies!

I'll never forget the look of the firefighters in the truck when we gave them a big pan of cookies.

I debated on whether they really needed anything else since many local businesses and groups were donating food of all sorts. but I baked anyway for thanks and we found this truck full of the wildfire guys and it was all worth it.

I love this idea, but do people eat them?

maybe it's just my part of the country, but I don't think most would eat something a stranger handed them for fear of what was in it. Wish that wasn't true though.

They do and I think this is the reason why!

There is a professionally created label on them that not only explains the reason behind it but that also lists the ingredients and the facebook page.

I also explain to them what it's about when I give it to them.

I have strongly believed the same thing for years. I have always noticed how cashiers perk up when

I share some personal note about their appearance or a recent change in their appearance. Sometimes these simple little comments are all it takes to get people through the day and ready for the next day. I mentioned it to my husband years ago and he didn't quite agree with me. But that didn't stop me.

I also noticed how it's made me a friendlier person.

Sometimes I'm stunned when I return to the same place a year later and individuals actually remember me. So I agree, it makes a positive difference.

I might be a little weak on the cookie sharing though. I never seem to have enough for me.

Such a sweet thing for you to do Deb. Wasn't it you that several

years ago was giving cooking classes to underprivileged girls? And also, did you make the stickers yourself or is this part of a face book group?
