My latest undertaking (just for fun) - Cookies4Kindness!

The company I worked for. Our legal

department has shut my dessert/GBH fund-raising efforts down several times now.

Deb - just liked the FB page but I want to join/steal this

You said that you have a whole freezer door full of cookies - are they already baked or ready to be baked? What cookies do you make for this?

So sorry - I didn't see this earlier!!

I used a snicker doodle recipe (which I basically cheat with and add the cinnamon to the batter - and sprinkle just a bit of turbino sugar and cinnamon on the tops) and, using a scoop, I make 48 at a time. Then I individually bag them and put in the freezer and take some out every time I head out.

I just bought a 'heat sealer' for the cello bags - it arrives tomorrow. I'm not crazy over the self-seal ones I bought - it isn't a tight seal and the cookies won't stay fresh (although I think everyone eats them right away!

