My Saturday Six

yes, we liked it. I don't usually use a packet and don't know why I had this one, but it was good.

I used crumpled up aluminum foil once when I didn't have a rack available.

It worked pretty well. Or what about a plate?

Wouldn't a plate break? The foil trick might work...

I saw the redneck use a bunch of rings trick online, but don't have ziplocks. I will find a rack someplace going forward, maybe just go ahead and order the silicon trivet mentioned by Food in Jars at the link. Just trying to find something around the house for now. The steamer basket will work for now, but it's hard to keep the jars upright given it's not completely flat.

Oh gosh, I know the feeling that you're itching to do something

that you'd normally do this time of year but you just need to cool it and lounge around and stay off your feet as much as you can!!! Be the director and have others do the work while you tell them what to do, but don't do it all yourself right now.

I have had to scale back all kinds of things, and right after my surgery I got this horrible urge to do things, like reorganize my pantry and clean out the tupperware cupboard etc. so I tried it and had to stop. What a mess.

It's been a year since my surgery and after a walk around the neighborhood my ankle swells like a blimp and I just have to put it up. My friends want to go to Disneyland with me and I just had to say - next year! It's really hard respecting your limitations and doing less - but it does pay off in recovery time and less pain/swelling.

Yeah....unhappy face....

The thing is, and I'm not saying this will happen to you, is that swelling never went all the way away after I tore everything up (actually it was new in the past few yrs). Going places with friends, if at all became something that needed planning/sitting options. I'm being all Pollyanna about this go round though and trying to think this will create a possible better outcome. A do over.

And this time, if I wear the boot on the now uncasted ankle side, I can walk some. No casts, like I'm suppose to be, and I'm back in the wheelchair or barely able to drag the one foot using crutches to make it to the bathroom. Today I went to the grocery store (and drove the old lady electric cart) and stopped at the little market for some Acme bread because I wore the boot...and... It Just Felt So Good To Be Able To Go Outside.

The jam/canning though, turned out to be too much on my feet and the good foot went all bad and swelled/burned with a big knot on it. Seems like it is just the simplest thing, something a normal person could knock out in an hour and go in with their day...sigh.

I worry I'm messing up the ankle more because I'm keeping it in a cast, but not being able to walk at all without it = unhappy face.


What can I say, it is just going to be super tough for a while (((hug))). It's so frustrating to be immobile - walking wise.

Funnily enough, my ankle swelling today got so bad the PT gal made me call the doctor. I'm seeing one of them, not the surgeon, on Monday and I'm back to keeping my foot up as much as possible at work and using the stim and more ice. I have pitting edema just on the one ankle/calf, it's so weird. I am grumpy because I want this to be *over* after 2 years healing up. Did you ever experience this?

I was cracking up at work today because a partner on the phone wanted me to "run down and see if xxx is there" - and I was sitting on one side of the floor and it takes me a while to limp over all the way over to the other side of the floor. But I just did it and he was on hold for a long while. Run, hahahaa....
