My Saturday Six

Steve, I make my no-knead bread in an oval

Le Creuset au gratin pan. I don't use a cover and it comes out perfect. The dough comes out in a nice oval shape, crunchy crust on the outside and soft on the inside. I follow the recipe from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day book.

I think the yeast was ok...

.... the initial mixture of milk, yeast, sugar, bubbled furiously and more than doubled in one hour.

I got some feedback about possible problems - the mistake in orientation of the folding was one of them. Folding too many times can lead to problems too because you incorporate the butter "too much" into the layers and it won't flake the same way - unless you are an expert in making croissants and know exactly how to roll it

I took plenty of notes, and will definitely try it again... .stay tuned! smileys/smile.gif

I got creative today and built a double batard cloche out of a french bread form, two hotel pans and

four, 2" pressure clips.

My plan is to use the most sour, of my sourdough starters in a no-knead dough. Proof over night, form into two batards and allow to rise on a parchment-paper covered form, set inside a half-hotel pan. Allow for the last rise, cover with the other hotel pan, clip shut and bake at will. I bake on Friday!

Publix have just opened up in my area. I only get there once every few weeks (an hour away), but I

love the Aprons ladies. I have so much fun talking to them, and tasting their dishes. Are you a Publix employee? I understand that they are a very good company to work for. It looks like a fun job.

Yes, I work for Publix and I do Apron's 1 day a week. That is a fun

job for sure! I can't even express how much I love doing it. I am a cashier for the other days and there is absolutely nothing fun about any of that. Sadly, just like many other companies around the country that were a good place to work, that cared for their employees and made health insurance available...well that's just not the case anymore. In my whole working life I have never seen so many unhappy miserable people. But I have fun (most of the time,;0)) with the customers. And believe me, you would have bought a Bunny Buck from me for every kid/grand kid you have! LOL
