My story


Well-known member
I discovered this group in spring of 1996 but was way to shy to post. I did become a member that year but I didn't post my first post until six months later, if I remember correctly.

I am born and bred in Norway.

I loved being in the kitchen as a kid when my grandmother was cooking, and I loved to taste the food she made and follow how the taste developed when she added everything from salt and pepper to creme and lemons.

My mom, on the other hand, is not a cook. So when I wanted to use the kitchen as a 7 year old, it was usually no problem. I didn't get to COOK tho, because the ingredients were expensive and I wasn't allowed to operate the stove. So I made salads and I baked breads, and my mom baked them in the oven for me!

When I turned 19 I went to the US for a year and I met my US family - who happens to be devoted to food. That year opened my culinary eyes for good, and when I came home, I spent hours and hours in the kitchen. I soon discovered my lack of skills when it came to cooking. I had baked for years and as a 14 year old, I kept my family well fed with breads and rolls and everything else you can make from flour and yeast. But cooking with meat and fish was a big mystery for me!

I bough some cook books, and I started searching on the net for more ideas and guidance.

In 1996 I found you and I have stayed with this group ever since.

I haven't been active on the forum all the time since 1995. In 1997 I got my University degree and started working, and in 2000 I got the job of my dreams. Last year I and my boy friend bought a house and we have been renovating it ever since. We also got 7 1/2 acre land with the house and I hope to grow my own vegetables and some fruit soon. I love gardening, and I love growing my own food.

I'm still struggeling with meats and fish, but I'm getting better, and I try to learn from my mistakes.

I try to try out one new recipe a week. Some times I have time to cook the whole day, other days I serve canned soup heated in the microwave. Time is precious! smileys/wink.gif

I don't have any kids but I'm happy that my 3 year old neice and 7 year old nephew are taking an interest in cooking. I have cooked with them in the kitchen since they were toddlers, and I'm proud to report that the 3 years old operates the mortar and produces pesto like she was born to make that stuff!!

Basically, I try to teach them how to cook the way my grandmother introduced me to cooking 36 years ago: By tasting and tasting and tasting, and by telling them that it's okay to make mistakes.

There will always be a pizza take-out happy to take our money on the days where everything goes wrong in the kitchen! smileys/smile.gif
