My Weekend Six


Well-known member
#1 - The more I try recipes from this board, the less I enjoy going out to eat. :eek:(

#2 - I'm really liking my blueberry-strawberry-raspberry-peach pie at home though. For some reason (never did find out why) a farmstand that sells pieces of pie said they weren't selling them today (no pies? no; too late? no, hmm...) while the clerk and I were both standing next to the sign that said "Pie Pieces, $2.50". Then I remembered my delicious pie I had at home. So there!

#3 - I've eaten a lot a fresh fruit this summer - and I've lost 15 lbs. in the process. Sad that berry season (among other favorites) will soon come to an end, but that's life.

#4 - DD and I made jalapeno cornbread and blueberry coffee cake yesterday for Y potluck lunch tomorrow. I still haven't used my wok, but I've been having a craving for Chinese food lately, so I think something like stir-fry is on the menu soon.

#5 - I guess I am getting to be an old f^rt (also refer back to #s 1 and 2). I wanted a street map of Scranton, PA to hold in my hand to see routes between landmarks and a relative's house, not just look at little bits and pieces on the computer screen. I tried 2 large dept. stores, a gas station, and 2 major bookstores, with no luck. I got a couple of odd stares and tilts of the head in confusion - "maps?....". I guess the clerks were caught somewhere between GPS and Yahoo maps, and were surprised to find they also came on paper.

#6 - Rain and cooler, finally! Yipeee!

My weekend six

1. Finally found the missing 5 Ingredient Chicken in the refrigerator. It looked like some leftover Dinner For Two. I thought I was going crazy.

2. The berry clafoutis smells wonderful, I hope it is good.

3. Dinner tonight, leftover corn on the cob, green beans, potato salad and leftover chicken. Simple.

4. The heat has relented, thank goodness. It was wonderful outside today. I may actually get some peas seeds planted tomorrow.

5. School starts a week from this Wednesday. I am so sad. I love summer vacation, so relaxing.

6. I am going to be the only food vendor at a museum event called, and I know this is wrong, Trash, Treasures, and something else. I have a block with names like this. But it is an event at the museums where they have vendors who have antiques and collectibles, and they chose me to be their only food vendor. Yay!

#5 is... Wow. (to me, at least). I've known GPS systems to go badly haywire! Here's to real maps. smileys/wink.gif

Oops, that was to DawnNYS. smileys/smile.gif

My Weekend Six

1. My husband was horrified to discover that all the black bananas lurking in the freezer eventually become banana bread...which he has enjoyed up until this point, apparently. Suddenly realizing where your food comes from can be traumatizing, I guess.

2. After translating four cookbooks this summer, I have no desire to open a cookbook. It's ridiculous. Flipping through a magazine for recipes is about as much effort as I can muster.

3. I made homemade hummus with a potato masher and decided that the food-processor budget could go toward books. smileys/smile.gif

4. The burst of cool weather today called for lentil soup and pork chops, which seems very strange to make while wearing shorts.

5. Our neighborhood is a Chinese-food desert. All the good Chinese food is 35 minutes east, in Flushing. That's fine, but once in a while I'd like to not have to spend 35 minutes on the subway for beef with broccoli...

6. Went in search of the local Egyptian bakery last week, but to no avail. I'll find it!

Trash, treasures, etc. sounds great for you. You can name dishes to go with the event!! Good luck.

This week I went to AAA to order triptics, and they will only make

the "new" style, which is totally useless IMHO! No expansions of cities to drag you through or around in a manner other than WTF???!!! No exit numbers, and no overview. You can't look at a page and determine where you are or how far you have to go. AARRGGHH If you want to wait 2 weeks they will prepare the old style for you. I'm not surprised it is so hard to find a map, even one that you are willing to shell out $4 for!

The version that they offer at the website is the same one I received

at the AAA offices. They have discontinued the top bound versions of their triptiks that had so much more information in them! If you have a couple of weeks they will order them from their corporate offices and mail them to the client. So much for being spontainious! (that word just doesn't look right)

Dontcha HATE when they change things that work? I wonder whose brilliant idea that was!

spontaneous smileys/smile.gif

Yes, Pat. But make that $5 at It's a good old-fashioned map though!

Sometimes you just want to spread things out on the kitchen table and take an overall look.

My mother was wondering where such-and-such was that she used to visit, and how far was it from the railroad tracks, where was that restaurant she liked in relation to the place they stayed. Things you can't easily plug into an online map, especially if you don't know the names of the roads that you haven't been on in decades! Hmmph!
