Need help finding old recipe for upside down plum tomato tart. I think Traca posted


the was two women (one is a photographer)...

You bake plum tomato halves first, then add the crust, bake then flip it when finished.

I can't find it with those constraints, so I may be wrong about Traca.

Whip + Click Tomato Tartin


200 grams (1 1/3 cup) flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
100 grams (8 tablespoons) COLD unsalted butter, cut into cubes
1 large egg

Sift flour + salt. Mash butter into small pea-size pieces. Add egg and mix until just combined. Chill 30 minutes


1 3/4 - 2 pounds of roma (plum) tomatoes
olive oil
herbes de provence
sea salt and pepper
1 large onion
grated parmesan

Oven = oven 350 F.

Cut tomatoes in half, core and remove the seeds.
Oil 10 inch round dish with olive oil and lay the tomatoes skin side down over the entire bottom
Season with salt, pepper, herbes de provence and drizzle with olive oil.

Bake for ~ 30 minutes.

Sliver onion into thin slices and saute in a bit of olive oil over low heat until very soft and caramelized. Season with salt and pepper.

Roll dough to 10" round before removing tomatoes, then spread the onions on top of the tomatoes, add a layer of grated parmesan, top with dough and tuck the edges in.

Bake ~30 minutes or until the dough is golden brown.

To unmold, run a knife around the edges and flip onto a serving dish.

Yup, it's tomato pie season. DDIL gave us a lucious one for Father's Day.

Vivian Howard's recipe uses a mix of heirloom cherry tomatoes and slices, a little like the one Gay posted, but are tomato pies not tart
LOve love love 'em
I have made this one and it is really delicious. DS and DDIL actually ate it at Chef and Farmer!!

Wow, this is on my list to make this weekend. I LOVE this recipe. So good.

I make this every summer, everyone loves it.

Hope your Mom will too!
