Never one to shirk my duty.,,

Well said, Richard! Thank you.

The only conversion I need is ounces to liters and grams to ounces.


…that the post you reference is blatantly religious, and myself, I would have thought better of posting a purely religious post or link here. I believe the UA also prohibits such posts. But, I think you’re opening a fairly large can of worms here Richard, et. al.

Many, many of our posts here are not about food/cooking. Religion is a hot button topic and always has been, but as a caring member of a very diverse group I am more than willing to be tolerant of posts about flower gardens, illnesses, careers, community involvement, bunnies, dogs, surgeries, kids, spouses, friends-of-friends, over-seas travel, shopping websites, marriages, soldiers, charitable causes, deaths, exercise, finance, divorces, sailing, copyright laws, family issues, hurricanes, school projects, summer reading, television shows, movies, etc., -you get my point.

I think my criteria would be to discern whether or not a person was posting repeatedly off-topic and had an agenda in doing so. Mimi has handled that very well in the past. Bullies and trolls may still post here sporadically, but they watch their behavior such that all goes well.

Without speaking for anyone else, I would be happy to refrain from posting blatantly religious links you good friends find offensive. I value your friendship, Richard, as well as all the others who are joining you. If you’re asking me to stop praising God for answered prayers, it’s like asking me to stop breathing. I can’t do that. If open and spontaneous praise is not welcome here, then neither am I.


I was always taught that politics and religion were taboo topics and can only

create heated arguments and often anger.

I'm very happy with my beliefs. I don't think my way is the only way or anyone else's for that matter. I have and always will respect what others believe and how they worship. I would never try to tell some one or convince them that my beliefs are better than theirs because they're not. my beliefs are what works for me.

as for going off topic here creating an opening to share your religion with others, I don't think so. the off topic most often are requests for information and usually are very informative for everyone. those requests cover many different things from how your garden grows to medical insights. also, I doubt there isn't anyone here who hasn't gone through a difficult or challenging situation and need support, encouragement and lots of hugs good wishes. that's part of a healthy community. conversion is not.

I've kept my mouth shut for years now but I have to say that some of the "religious" oriented posts are offensive to others with different beliefs as well as to me. there was even one post, in response to another poster who's mother was very ill that started with: "you don't know God but he knows you" how anyone could ever say that to someone else and believe it to be true, well I'm just speechless. it was all I could do not to respond and ask how they knew that to be true. and, there have been too many others along those those lines.

with respect to all of us, I, personally,. would appreciate that religious beliefs be kept to ourselves, where they belong. it doesn't matter if you walk, drive, take a train or a plane, we all are headed for the same destination, regardless of what we call it. may we all walk our paths with love and peace in our hearts.

I'm not shy about my faith either and I didn't join this forum to convert or

grandstand Christianity. I enjoyed the food topics and the friendly camaraderie. As Michael pointed out – the topics are many and varied. Someone may find another “hot button topic” so which is the next one we can ban? Or are we strictly limited to discussing food topics exclusively as Richard suggested. Come on – let's not spoil a good thing.

Randi, you know I love you, but didn't you just do what you're asking all of us not to do?

You just laid out your belief system and stated that we're all headed for the "same destination".

I could easily find that offensive, but since you spoke with love and peace in your heart, and I know you as someone who would never knowingly hurt anyone, I am more than willing to let it go.

Can I express that opinion without creating hard feelings and/or enemies?


Michael, you're right about that and I should have realized that's how

it would come across. but for your post, I'd edit it out. I could explain it further but that would only be expanding on what I belive and that really wasn't my intent or something I would debate.

thanks for pointing it out.

love you too

I posted that post... It wasn't about religion at all~ a performance that was awesome...

But I hear what you're saying.

Maybe, no more prayers for anyone who is sick or has passed away.

And.. we should include no more pets passing away and no more reaching out to say "I'm there for you" because I agree.. this is ONLY about food, and that's it.

What else should be eliminated: Oh, no more congratulations if it's not food based and definitely no more Happy Birthday's because that would no be considered food unless... unless we're going to discuss only the birthday food and cake.

Should we include too, no more personal success stories and happy updates because really.. what does that have to do with a food forum.

I hear you... absolutely.... Food only

I agree Randi, we should never have ever posted how sad we were for your lost that included prayers

But religion is in every aspect of everyone's life, even reaching out.

Now if a post is extremely religion based, then I can see why Richard created this post.... that post was about a synchronized performance that was so spectacular, even if it was religiously based.

This particular thread belongs on EPI because it is negative and will elicit negative responses.

If we eliminate any and all things on FK that could remotely be considered religion than this will no longer continue to be a community.

I was going to let this pass but I'll add that while others may get offended if I say something is

answer to prayer....well, I get hurt by others saying how wonderful their mothers are because I never had one...I almost said something one time when everyone went on how wonderful mothers are and how wonderful it is to be a mother, I am not a mother either.

God created each and every one of us differently out of His love and it hurts Him when we avoid him.

So to avoid hurting each of us should we not talk about God or mothers or babies or husbands, because some are widowed now....or avoid talk of long trips because some are retired and don't have the funds....

My point is simply this: I know you don't have an agenda, Randi, and I know... are speaking without malice. It is easy to discern the motives of a friend and it is also easy to discern the motives of someone with an agenda. Mimi and the UA take care of that quite well.

Much has been spoken and discussed in recent years regarding "tolerance" and the evils of a lack thereof. If someone is not speaking with malice and doesn't have a clear agenda to go off topic and stay off topic, then I don't see an expression of faith as something intolerable.

There are numerous topics that have come up on this board that I find offensive. I, like you Randi, have held my tongue more often than not. Most times I choose not to speak out because of the reasons outlined above. I know the poster isn't trying to forward an agenda, they are simply sharing who they are and the joy/sadness/concern they feel. No harm, no foul. In fact, I enjoy gaining a fuller and richer appreciation for who they are, and for the diversity this wonderful group shares.

And I'm not blind to the reality that I have been the source of more than my share of "controversy". I've incited the ire of friends here. I've seen me do it. I was wrong, and once I realized my error, I hope I made the proper amends.

Hopefully I'm not misunderstood. I really love all of you, and hope you'll respect my opinions as I do yours.


I look at this forum as sitting around a table sharing a meal with amazing friends/ interesting....

friends/somewhat controversial friends/some folk we do not know very well but may come to know over time. Every meal has amazing conversation.
Most of those conversations revolve/evolve around food, hence this forum.
However every now and then, as with table conversation, something is said (posted) that may not be too appropriate, so let it slide.
After all we all enjoy that one common factor...FOOD/COOKING.....
There are other sites we can go to that has JUST Food/Prep etc but that is all it is, no community.
I love each and every one here, I may not be loved too much but even so I feel we all, including myself, add to this community in one way or another.
If religion comes up, or politics, or anything else that is blatently pushing something that has nowt to do with food, blatently controversial...pass over it...dont make a reference to it, dont let it get in the way of the friendship shared in this wonderful community.
What is food with-out life, what is sharing with-out food?
