…that the post you reference is blatantly religious, and myself, I would have thought better of posting a purely religious post or link here. I believe the UA also prohibits such posts. But, I think you’re opening a fairly large can of worms here Richard, et. al.
Many, many of our posts here are not about food/cooking. Religion is a hot button topic and always has been, but as a caring member of a very diverse group I am more than willing to be tolerant of posts about flower gardens, illnesses, careers, community involvement, bunnies, dogs, surgeries, kids, spouses, friends-of-friends, over-seas travel, shopping websites, marriages, soldiers, charitable causes, deaths, exercise, finance, divorces, sailing, copyright laws, family issues, hurricanes, school projects, summer reading, television shows, movies, etc., -you get my point.
I think my criteria would be to discern whether or not a person was posting repeatedly off-topic and had an agenda in doing so. Mimi has handled that very well in the past. Bullies and trolls may still post here sporadically, but they watch their behavior such that all goes well.
Without speaking for anyone else, I would be happy to refrain from posting blatantly religious links you good friends find offensive. I value your friendship, Richard, as well as all the others who are joining you. If you’re asking me to stop praising God for answered prayers, it’s like asking me to stop breathing. I can’t do that. If open and spontaneous praise is not welcome here, then neither am I.