Oh good for you Mar....he can be a big helper in the kitchen. ;0) I only
buy split chicken breasts. One of my biggest pet peeves is how these stores package and price meat. They take the chicken tenders off the breasts, package them and then charge a ridicules price for them. Like I said I only buy split breasts when the are buy one/get on free and then I remove the bone. I remove all the tenders and package them separately. I package the breast halves with the skin on (for grilling) 2 to a package. (just 2 of us) and then I remove any fat and skin from the bones, package and weigh and freeze. When I have 4 to 6# I make stock. Hey, he can do all this. It could make him feel productive and it is all really time consuming. It can keep him busy. Making and packaging the stock is always a 2 day project. Cooking all day, straining, chilling over night, removing fat on the top and then package in 1/2 and 1 cup portions. And even ice cube trays for easy access to 1 or 2 Tbsp. to add extra flavoring to rice or whatever. My freezer (stand alone in the garage) is like a pantry to me. I only buy chicken, pork or beef when it is on sale and in particular BO/GO. I buy fruits and veggies in season and package carefully and freeze. When Fl. strawberries are abundant and cheap we buy tons of them, freeze them on baking sheets in one layer and then put them in freezer bags. Then I can just take out the amount I need for smoothies etc. I have bags of mango, papaya, watermelon or whatever fruit is in season and cheap. I puree them and freeze it in a big shallow container and when it's frozen solid I take it out and just use a knife to chunk off pieces and then throw them in a freezer bag. When it's smoothie time we just take out chunks of mango, watermelon, strawberries and let it defrost over night in the blender. Then we add some raspberry sorbet and a couple of bananas. Yum...and think of how much money we saved. I use these spring and summer months to get my freezer loaded up to cover the months when everything costs so much more. We have just finished loading up bags of corn since it's been so cheap recently. But this all takes time and look how lucky you are that you'll have Larry to do it for you. Look how much money he can save?