NFR About what is the life expectancy of a laptop?? In December the old

Lost everything once ... vowed never again. I now back up my system 137 times a day. Too much?

There's just nothing quite as sphincter puckering as booting up your computer and seeing nothing on the screen but "Cannot Read Drive C".

Dreaded, dreaded,dreaded words. Trust me. Back up your system. Really. Do it. Now...and again in 5 minutes. You'll thank me later.

I've been using crap cleaner and see a noticeable difference in computer running faster.

Edited to add....picked up my brand new computer today from my IT guy who says he's not fond of crap cleaner (as it sometimes deletes wanted files), so I won't be using it on this new 'puter. He prefers Reg Cure and Obit so that's what I'll likely go with in the future.
