NFR again: At Orchid's request, I am reposting this link to our Community Garden video contest


Well-known member
The original thread 20130 went haywire with so many responses. I consider that an honor, and a real validation of my shameless self-promotion.

Once again, please go to the DeLoach Vineyards Community Garden page, click on Rumi and Mayu, the two boys in the fourth thumbnail, and vote for Long Beach Organic.

If you vote quickly, or use the pause feature, you can avoid having John Denver and the Muppets singing in your brain for the rest of the day.

You can vote daily until August 1. So far, thanks to all your help, we are in first place!!

I'm sorry to monopolize the forum and your time like this, but it's only for a few months. We can all get back to posting recipes in fall smileys/wink.gif

And remember, whenever a thread is nearing 30 responses, indent!

Thanks Joe, but lets make the link easy to get to for those just seeing

this for the first time. Lets try to indent as much as possible so the thread doesn't go crazy after the magical # of 30. And this is very food related so I think you should re post fresh once a week.

Need to keep an eye on the competitive landscape. The Chicago gardens percentage wise has

dramatically increased.

Count standing as of 4:10 EST

75... Alemany Farm
15... Magnuson Community Garden
51... Hayes Valley Farm
310.. Long Beach Organic (Our Garden)
239.. Ocean View Farms
104.. Boca Raton Community Garden
41... Solano Canyon Community Garden
163.. Seattle Community Farm
47... Roots in the City
105.. The Last Organic Outpost
195.. Three Brothers Garden
5.... East 13th Community Garden
135.. The Peterson Garden Project
2.... Center for Growing People
4.... Lake Highlands Community Garden

Joe, I believe we have taken ownership of your least for the next few months. You still get to do all the work!

Thanks Michael! We're putting you in charge of doing this update everyday

around this time. You don't have a problem with that right? ;0)

Voted from the library a while ago too, different 'puter. Vee hav vays of bringing zee count up. smileys/smile.gif

Hmmm, I just tried three imes to cast another vote using my other email addy but it didn't let me

(from same computer).
