NFR again: At Orchid's request, I am reposting this link to our Community Garden video contest

Count update 2:53pm EST

83... Alemany Farm
32... Magnuson Community Garden
53... Hayes Valley Farm
422.. Long Beach Organic (Our Garden)
276.. Ocean View Farms
116.. Boca Raton Community Garden
50... Solano Canyon Community Garden
180.. Seattle Community Farm
63... Roots in the City
146.. The Last Organic Outpost
262.. Three Brothers Garden
22... East 13th Community Garden
153.. The Peterson Garden Project
3.... Center for Growing People
33... Lake Highlands Community Garden

Here is an email I received from one of our gardeners. He's elderly, has time on his hands,

and has a crush on Dawn, our spokesmodel:

"Hey Joe,

Re: this grant. I have found true, that you can only vote once per 24 with ONE email address. But,... it is possible to vote once per day with additional email addresses.

To do that, you must exit the page with the link, (I assume all pcs work this way,) click on "Tools" at the top toolbar, click on "clear private data ctrl+shift+Del" and then click on the grant link. (If it does not give the popup to "submit your vote," you have to go back out and do it again.) I have also found that sometimes you must change your IP address, if you do too many.

At first I thought that you have to enter from each email address, but that is not the case. You can stay on the page you sent with the announcement and just do the above stuff and it saves a lot of time."

(He makes me feel so lazy.)

Voted this a.m., voted again tonight, both votes counted, as far as I can tell. Don't let DeLoach

know about this!

Count update 3:36pm EDT

100.. Alemany Farm
99... Magnuson Community Garden
54... Hayes Valley Farm
552.. Long Beach Organic (Our Garden)
308.. Ocean View Farms
124.. Boca Raton Community Garden
56... Solano Canyon Community Garden
184.. Seattle Community Farm
70... Roots in the City
169.. The Last Organic Outpost
319.. Three Brothers Garden
71... East 13th Community Garden
183.. The Peterson Garden Project
40... Center for Growing People
73... Lake Highlands Community Garden

You're doing a fine job Michael. ;0) I really like this count tally. I hadn't

paid any attention to 3 Brother's so it made me go look at them again to see who they are. Looks like a really good cause. Hope they make a spot.
