NFR, and shamelessly self-serving: My Community Garden has entered a video in a grant contest

((((Everyone)))) This means more to me than I'll ever let on. Thanks!

Actually there are multiple winners so we mainly need to keep in the top five. Thanks for your help.

I voted and DH will do the same. This is such a good cause - like FloriSandy said

Community gardens are getting more and more important in a time were more and more foods are manufactured and sold containing cheap fats and starch and kids think that beef stems from the supermarket freezers....

Nope! They're not out of reach! I just voted for the day and "we" are

70, Seattle 79 so it's a battle. Now I realize that it's very early in Seattle so lets get going.

Another vote! What a beautiful garden! And the video was really good. (I even watched some others smileys/smile.gif

Just voted again, Joe. Long Beach 91, Seattle 80. I see a trend here. : ) Remind us to vote.

I was thinking about how we can keep this up. One way is to add a reminder to our posts occasionally

I know from experience it's hard to remember every day. I've started out on sweepstakes and fell by the way. I read almost every post here and a "don't forget to vote for Joe", with the link added, would go a long way to help. I'll try to do the same. We've got about 5 months to go. And like Orchid, I KNOW we can do it. It would be such a great group effort for a beloved member of this board.

Sooo...Don't forget to vote for Joe!

What a joy to wake up to this! Long Beach 97, Seattle 83!!! Boca's in the dust at 69.

THANK YOU for your support!! Don't worry, I'll keep reminding you.

I don't know about you all, but I'm not able to vote since the first time. Do you have to watch the video all the way through each time?

Inch by inch......row by row........

I don't want to give you all John Denver brain freeze!
