NFR Does anyone else hate getting used to the new Daylight Saving Time?


Well-known member
I love it for the longer daylight days, but today was a bummer, when to eat, and when to go to bed? LOL.

Doesn't bother me at all....

I barely even notice, although I realize the dogs seem to be affected by it. Had to literally kick them out of their crate this morning..... smileys/wink.gif

I adjust my clock before I go to bed and that's pretty much it.

The Amish in my area don't accept it. They say it throws the cows off schedule.

Then they wonder why everything closes an hour early smileys/wink.gif

It's like a mild case of jetlag, but to me it's worth it. I love the long summer nights and I don't

like it getting light so early.

Well, he caught me. I said to myself "he can't be serious" but who knows? It's my opinion and that

of lots of others that we should just keep daylight savings all the time and never change the clocks at all

I think we observe it up here to remain just 1 hour behind the west coast. it makes absolutely no

difference to us daylight wise---in the summer or in the winter. 1 hour xchedule change doesn't help, so why bother except for keeping better time with west coast businesses.

Just gives us an extra hour to roast in the fires of hell here.

Some years I just hate my summer clothes when I've worn them from March to November

I know it makes no sense, but I like it because I can get up

early and feel like I've slept longer. Makes no sense because it's actually darker in the a.m. now, but it catches my internal clock up to the rest of the universe. lol

And P.S. Since I've heard that the Monday morning after the "spring ahead" of the clocks is

statistically the most likely day of the year to have a heart attack, I am very happy that you all made it ;o)
