NFR Does anyone else hate getting used to the new Daylight Saving Time?

I love it, I never change the clock in my car - it's always daylight savings in there. Then,

there is a small inner celebration when spring comes round and it's baaack!

(Although it was weird watching The Walking Dead the other night when it was still sunny outside - I get the east coast feed.)

Most folks who've never lived in the desert don't know that our highest temp of the day... recorded around 4:30 to 5 pm.

By August we've already had about 4 months with 100 degree days, and can look forward to the middle of October, when you can finally open the doors and windows up.

Ugh. I wanna move back to the coast.


It dosn't bother me...I just go with the flow.

I do love it in winter when we "fall back" and it is dark by 5 PM. When I was working...not so much, but now...yes!
