NFR...Marg in pa....How did it work out?


Well-known member
After reading that heartbreaking thread, I have to know! I think I'd have slivered red onions to be near the liverwurst, and I know I'd have had to "doctor" the egg and tuna salads. I remember the days of open-faced cream cheese tea sandwiches. Joe was right, they can be tasty, but sheesh! You need a little free rein! I hope everything went well for you and didn't cause too much misery!

Hi There!!!>>>>>>>

OK well I was not surprised to have to throw out a whole tray of little sandwhices. Not only were they vastly unpopular, the IL's made them themselves early in the day, like around 10 in the morning and only covered them with a tea towel, so when 7:30 rolled around to put them out, they were how shall I say this..... hard, really hard on one side of the bread. This coupled with the fact that the egg salad with a mayo base sat out all day as well and it was warm, not room temp, but warm because where they put the tray was on the tea trolly right near the heating vent in the dining room.
I made a smoked salmon pizza kind of thing served chilled that was really good, some veggies with a spinach dip and a regular veggie dip, a fruit platter with a fruit dip that Keith loved made from cream cheese, orange yogurt, nutmeg, honey with grated orange peel and slivered almonds ( I was determined to use those almonds!) some bar-b-qued weiners because there were some kids there who always love them, and a cheese platter. I put out assorted crackers and nuts and made the cake from hell. It's a wonderful yellow cake with raspberry and buttercream filling and frosted with a buttercream frosting with rapsberry liquer in it. It was very time consuming and it tastes wonderful, but I hate to bake.
All in all it was not a bad party and the neighbors all were very sweet. I was home at my house by 11:00 which was even better.
Yes, Debbie, I did hear from DJ finally! Thank you for asking. A very short e-mail on Friday to tell me that he is OK, they didn't have computer access for 14 days and the lines for the phone on Christmas were 3 hours long, when he was finally close to his turn, he had to go on duty. He worked all day New Years and when he was able to get a phone, it was 4:00 am our time. He has 2 more weeks in Iraq and then he is on to Kuwait for a few weeks, and hopefully back in the states on my birthday in February.
Right now there is some concern because of the Black Hawk that went down on Saturday right near where he is stationed. The group of soldiers aboard were all attached to the 101 but not from Ft. Campbell, where the 101 is based out of, DJ is in the 82nd, based out of Ft. Bragg but right now is attached to the 101. I've already gotten 3 phone calls from my brother, sister and daughter asking me if I knew anything. So far no news is good news, and we hope he will be back safe in a few more weeks. This is the longest worst waiting game I have ever played. I think I aged 10 years in the last one.
Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers and support!

Marg, so good to hear from you about the party! Curious minds wanted to know. And

how special that you included one of Keith's favorites. I know that our multitudes of retro foods listed in your original thread didn't help you much, but we sure had fun with it and I will definitely be planning a retro party this year. And, so good to hear about DJ. I can only imagine how hard this past year must have been for you. Here's to a better 2006!

Marg, I said I loved egg salad sandwiches but a don't think I'll be able

to eat one ever again without wondering how long it has been sitting near the heating vent, lol.

Glad it went well overall and that you weren't up all night doing it. And it's so great that you finally heard from DJ.

Thank you sweetheart!>>

I didn't mean to turn you off to egg salad though!!! I must admit that looking at those sandwiches with the hardened turned up edges, made me a little um.. ah..hmmm "uneasy???" YUCK!!!
DJ is fine, the "Black Hawk Incident" was involving a group of National Guardsmen from Alaska, and while we are all so saddened for their families, we once again are so grateful that it wasn't one of our's.

Re: Hi There!!!>>>>>>>

Marg, I've not spent much time on the food sites lately, but your descriptions had me falling down laughing. What a set of IL's!
I'm glad to see the news of DJ and that he will be going to Kuwait soon. My kid was there a couple of years ago and said it wasn't bad, just VERY sandy and windy. Also, not nearly as scary for Mom!
Mine tried to call on Christmas but the local Navy base wouldn't put him through to a different area code at my sister's home. That area code belonged to Camp Pendleton and no one apparently manned the phones on Christmas night.

You take care. I think of you and DJ often.

I'm so glad you heard from your son...

and what an interesting saga! Good grief! Some people just shouldn't prepare food!! You're a wonder!
