NFR: My Mom is Sad, she rec'd a call from the library. All volunteers were "fired"

I volunteered for years with Navy Marine Corps Relief Society

Without volunteers this wonderful aid society would not be able to do the work it does. From the receptionists who answer the phones and do intake to the caseworkers who listen to very private details and provide budget counseling and financial aid, each volunteer understands everything is private.

Hospitals also depend on volunteers who are required to maintain patient privacy.

Red Cross volunteers also provide great services and must follow regulations to keep a client's information private.

The list goes on and on. If volunteers were all to be let go for fear they might tattle on a client many organizations would cease to exist.

Oh barb, I'm so there...

my dad is in hospital in really bad shape. Heart attack, pneumonia, anemia, you name it, he's got it. I rushed out there to see him and all he could say was that, "when you get this old, you have nothing left to live for". It just broke my heart. I said, "what about your kids? Don't you want to live for us? We kind of like having you around." And he said you'd be better off with out me.

End of life is hard.

I sent this post to my Librarian, Joanna Bailey, and here is her reply, which she said I could share

with you.

Good Morning!
This posting is so sad! I have had to turn people away because all of our volunteer positions are full, but never because of something so weird! I keep their name and number on file until a spot becomes available. Also, our volunteers only shelve books and help patrons find things. The library mentioned in the posting could maintain the volunteers if they simple have them shelve books and help patrons instead of having them run the circulation desk. We limit the circulation desk to staff to avoid mistakes but NEVER because of what people might think of the materials someone is checking out. That is insane and sheds a terrible light on our profession!
Please feel free to post my comments if you like.
Thanks for sharing!!

Joanna M. Bailey, MLIS
Bay Minette Public Library
205 West 2nd Street
Bay Minette, AL 36507
(251) 580-1648
From: Marianne Eddins (marianneeddins at murdercreek dot com)
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 5:11 PM
To: Joanna Bailey
Subject: Library Volunteers Confidentiality

I received this post from my Foodie site.'d_a_call_from_the_library___All_volunteers_we. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it. I won't pass anything you say on to my Foodie friends, unless you want to share with them. Thanks.
