NFR The other day there was a conversation about collecting recipes


Well-known member
and how so many of us are aaddicted. I finally bought 2 bookcases because most of my cookbooks were in boxes and stuffed on shelves everywhere. My DS put them together for me Sat. and all my books, booklets and notebooks, full with recipes, are on the bookshelves. I did a count and I have 230 cookbooks, 8 large notebooks filled to capacity, 6 small notebooks, filled, and about 3-4 dozen small booklet type recipe books. I still have folders with recipes clipped from magazines, on some shelves. Also a bunch of printed recipes that need to go into notebooks, one of these days. Actually, I need to buy more large notebooks. I am pooped!!!! This was a lot of work!!!!

I also include in the "expansion category" all the larger clothes I've had to buy....

Fie on you, I used to be a size 10 before you existed. May a pox be on your site.

Their is a sad side to this addiction....I will never be able to make all the wonderful recipes

in my lifetime. About two months ago, on a very rainy day, I got out my huge binders and went through all the recipes. I got rid of about half of them and some I wondered why I had downloaded them. You might try that. Trouble is, that along the way you find recipes that become a favorite. So instead of trying new ones all the time, I need to make my faves.

I have files for each protein, courses (salads, dessert,etc.) I try to only save stuff in these

that have good reviews or just looks like it has to be good.
Then there is a file "try, save, or delete", when this gets really big, I try to clean house. Some I have found another version of, some just don't look as interesting anymore.

this works pretty good for me,

But, Karen, you would not have any favorites if you didn't try new ones even as

slowly as that may occur....right? Yep, my "to try" pile is approaching the ceiling but I'll get to some of them at some time which is all I can hope for! At least I have some great ones to try.

Hear hear! I agree Val.

Likewise, I would never part with my humongous collection of hand-picked recipes. Like the old Heinz’s catsup commercial, “Variety is the Spice of Life.” I like to travel around the continent and the world with my cooking to explore new taste sensations and I certainly have not regretted it. I have plenty of backburner recipes that are so precious to me because I know that one day I’ll make at least some of them by using the selective choice method. My taste buds are very happy and crave more due to my numerous explorations!

Sandy - looks like your Photobucket icon pic has been deleted! First time I've seen that smileys/smile.gif

I’m not presentable right now…

I just had cosmetic surgery done on my beak. I damaged it trying to open a can of sardines.

I’ll be bwaaak!

maybe we should pledge to do one 'to try' recipe per month.

that would get us used to using them as a prime source.

I have about 7 hardcover folders and have divided up the recipes very casually. Then I have the ...

stacks of print outs that I haven't categorized yet. Not to mention the tons of recipes downloaded on the computer.
I also went through some while I was making the
10 cakes that went into my grandson's giant dinosaur cake and got rid of several but not nearly enough.
I am resolved to make new recipes every weekend when the family is here. One a meal - if they don't like it there will be other things to eaT!.

I will never make them all either but Glennis is correct - it is fun trying.

That's a great idea! I did that a couple of years back as a

New Year's Resolution. I made one recipe per week from a different cookbook or downloaded post. I didn't make it through the entire year, but it did make me try some of the things I read about. Once a week turned out to be a little too hectic for me, but one recipe per month would be very doable.

and then again, if your ship sinks and your files go to the bottom of the gulf--instant clean-up.
