NFR The other day there was a conversation about collecting recipes

I finally created my own kitchen "sourcebook" where I write down

all the recipes I've tried that we designated "keepers". The "book" is called Recipe Finder. I got the first one on sale at Borders and found them also at Amazon (bought 2 more). I wish they had tabs but I make my own out of those tiny post-it note things. This has saved me so many searches through binders, cookbooks and stacks of printed out recipes from the Internet when I want to make one of our favorites. Reading the previous posts about so many recipes untried has been a comfort...I know I'm not the only one! smileys/smile.gif

don't know if I ever mentioned, had all my files on a 2G flash drive, did not realize a flash drive

could crash? Hey they do, so had no back up. Found a data recovery place, costs a bit, but they were able to recover all my recipes.

They sent them to me in zip files, which I transfered to CDs and then onto new flash drive.

Fast forward, why the h*** did I have both sets on board?? You know the rest of the story!!!

I can never thank my friends here enough for helping me find so many lost ones!!!!

Now that damn CD stays here. I am thinking of getting another hard drive that updates as you add things to your files. Right now about once a week I copy everything to CD.

Good and bad now is that we usually have internet, too easy to just remember where you saw it.


I copy and paste recipes into email, these days. Handy, but not as nice as a well-loved cookbook!

I think it was Traca suggested this, you can just e-mail them to yourself, copy and save later? this

works well with websites where you have to be a member to save it or can only save it to a recipe box there, but there is the link at top to print or e-mail it.

