NFR: What are you reading these days...

Next 2 selections: Garden of Last Days by Andre Dubus and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the

Nighttime. In August we set up our list for next year. We need a scary book for October -- any suggestions on the most scary book you ever read? (not bloody horror)

We had Just put in our bee hive after 20 plus years without one, so it seemed

very appropriate.It even made me think of getting chickens for eggs but NO rabbits or pigs!

Going on a limb here, but doesn't our dear friend talk about sprouts that help her out? (Always

love your expressions joannie!)

Thank you so much, everyone!

I've made a list and already requested a few from my library.

I'll follow up again in a few months with another request.

Happy Reading,


Sorry, that's been done before too. (see above). You've got to redeem yourself and come up with a

word that hasn't been used. After all, your reputation is at stake!
