NFRC- Anyone seeing the eclipse? We start our beach week that day at

DH made our hotel reservations 3 years ago! Although he retired after working 32 years in Systems,

his true love has always been the heavens so he also taught an evening astronomy class at the small Indiana University campus in our town. I have been thinking recently that maybe I need to ice down a cooler and pack food to take with us due to the incoming crowds. Paul has already made a backup plan in case we encounter overcast conditions at this one, folks. He has informed me that the next total solar eclipse will be in April of 2024!

I don't think we can have a back up plan traffic is expected to be complete gridlock

They are warning the locals to expect 1 million people to descend on their areas. They're also telling people to arrive at their planned viewing location well before the eclipse otherwise they will likely be trapped in traffic and miss it.

BOGUS eclipse glasses. Amazon warning

Just received an email from Amazon where I bought my eclipse glasses. They are refunding my money on two things I bought==glasses and a filter to put on my camers saying that they have not received a confirmation from the manufacturer that they conform to the ISO_____. Another pack I bought is on the recommended list of suppliers. The "bogus" glasses does have the ISO thingy on it but not much else. The filter is just a big square I was going to conform to my camera (maybe).

So thought I'd just post this. The price of glasses is out the roof now

Tennessee Backyard

I'm going to be watching from my backyard in Tennessee with 99.4 something totality and paying attention to how the wildlife responds to the eclipse. Are the cicadas, frogs, and my dog going to act differently?

I was at a party last night to view the metor shower but it was overcast and saw nothing.
