NFRC...I wondered if I could get some ideas on something but


Well-known member
if anyone wants I'll take this down. So since I broke the glass coffee table top for my coffee table I need to replace it with something. It is a Brooke Bond Tea wooden crate from India that I got on a trip there and is about 22". I had a thick dark smoked glass cut that was about 4' in diameter and it just sat on top of the crate. I loved it because it looked really nice and you could see the crate under it. So now I need to get something but I'm a little scared to put another glass one on. What other choices do I have? I'm coming up with nothing really except maybe Plexiglas. Any brilliant and creative ideas? I really appreciate any ideas.

Acrylic? Resin? I know you can purchase acrylic sheets at Home Depot

for not too much money. Not sure of the sizes though. I also saw a cool table once that was made of acrylic (or resin? can't remember) that was poured into wood-grained molds... so that even though it was see-through it was shaped like wood flooring. Hard to describe, but it was cool.

A thicker glass, such as 1/2" or even 5/8", although expensive, would be much less

fragile. As well, thicker glass makes almost anything look very chic. If appropriate, you could have a decorative edge put on it if it doesn't sit inside a frame, such as an OG or just a 1" bevel. Edges might make the glass more visible and perhaps less prone to accidents.

At 4', a 5/8" glass would be very heavy and could take 3 people to move, depending on your strength, so it might be a consideration for cleaning, for impressions on rugs below, etc.

I'm fond of glass. It's predictable and elegant.

Perpsex or plexiglass would work

just did a little search and you can get pieces cut to order.

As to what kind I think you need to talk to them. You probably would want the edge beveled and who knows if that is possible but you can ask.

I would just buy glass again, maybe safety glass instead. After all that was such a random accident, what are the odds?

Glad you were not seriously hurt.

I don't think so either. I just showed John these links (thanks much)

and I know I need to see it, you know...touch, feel, see. He said we will go talk with the guy at his glass shop and see if he can give us some thoughts.

I was wondering...does it really need to be 4'? That is pretty huge for a coffee table & although

it is such a pleasure at hors d'oeuvres time, every inch adds so much to the cost of glass.

Yes, I don't think it can really be smaller. The couch and love

seat are in a "L" so it sits in front of them both. Right now I have a glass top that we had in the house but don't need here that I had just slid under the bed and it just doesn't cut it. It's 44"x36" and just won't work.

My dining room table is glass - love it - definately go to a glass place and ask them - they're

the experts and can tell you your options - like safety glass and the right thickness, beveling, etc. My table is 25 years old now (knock on wood) and so far so good smileys/smile.gif

I think you can still go with Plexiglass. Just superglue some interesting item (shell, carved wood)

UNDERNEATH the Plexiglass so that it bumps up against the four corners of the crate. Then it can't slide. You would have to literally lift the Plexiglass off the crate. You could even glue 8 items underneath, two per corner of crate. Just make them interesting so it looks cool from the top surface.
And remember...attach to the Plexiglass...not to the crate.

Can you picture what I'm talking about? I'm visualize something like 4 nautilus shells or small carved wooded box lid...that would tie in with the crate.

Plastic also might scratch...I looked into this as a topper and went back to glass

I agree it's also lighter, even the thicker pieces. Also, many glass table tops come pre-cut, which saves cost.

Now, if you didn't want clear you could go with marble or granite.

Maybe I just need to put some time between buying something else.

It hasn't been 3 day since this happened so I'm pretty skittish right now. Remember, this is coffee table height and was a good thick piece of glass but I fell backwards down on it. That's 5'9" 148 lbs coming straight down on it. I don't think it had much of a chance...and I am stumbly.

Yes I gotcha and that is a great fix for something light like plexiglass.

The crate has a slight indent in it and I have Saudi Bedouin necklaces laying in it and on top of the glass I have a large round piece that is wood and inside was made to hold tobacco leafs. It has metal Bedouin type decorations around it and is really beautiful and interesting. Our house has our travels in it and that's why I like this tea crate. It's old and unique. Hey, just like me...smileys/wink.gif

ooh that is scary. I knew a woman who stood on her glass coffee table to reach something high. The

glass broke, her legs went right through. She lost both legs. Very sad story, but please be careful Old and Antique.

Have you considered getting a talented woodworker to to an interesting wooden top for it? Or does it need to be light and airy or to show off the base? Or a wood trimmed glass top?

Oooo Oooo Oooo - Pick me - I have the perfect products!!!!

We used them for door panels, windows, and they would donate bowls and jewelry they made from scraps. It is so cool and you can get all kinds of finishes, inlays, colors, you name it - ecoresin by 3Form. It's strong. It's made from recycled content. It's safer than glass. And it is just SO freaking cool.

And if you go back with glass be sure to get a tempered glass or....

talk with a reputable glass person as there are a few other types of glass that can hold up better and be safer in case they do get broken. My stepson decided to just sit on my brass and glass coffee table one night and shattered it and he wasn't a small kid that didn't know better when he did it.
