NFRC 'Just had to post this update from garden girl...


Well-known member
This person is ruining my gardening experience this summer! Sent to all of the gardeners. The director's comments are below:

Re your definition of a weed - perhaps we could extend the definition to also include, something in your garden that you did not plant. I'm referring to plants that have continued to reseed in gardens, of which some people have just allowed them to remain there. This includes the wild daisies, spreading mini violas (johnny jump ups) and LOTS of creeping charlie. Despite the fact that some plotters might be choosing to leave the daisies, because they might think they look ok, they are still a weed and should not be allowed to stay in plots, because they continue to reseed themselves and spread into other people's plots. (Actually, they are very "removable" when small...)

The daisies probably originated from the adjacent open fields and it seems some plotters have allowed them to remain, but I think the little violas that many plotters have popping up in their plots, were probably originally planted by a plotter and never removed at the end of the growing season (she seriously thinks we should remove the plants we planted, at the end of the season?!!) and now they have re-seeded and spread all over.


I understand the point you are making, we should not let weedy-seedy things proliferate in our plots unintended - but I would rather a daisy volunteer in my garden than that seedy mullein-like stalk (anyone - what is that?) or our very favorite yellow mustard! We had a local farmer visitor to our farm last week who stated the obvious in that our challenge is not the weeds in the our plots, it is the unmowed area around the CommunityFarm including the farmer’s field and the unmowed areas surrounding it.

Don't let her ruin you experience! Just pull out the daisies after the flowers fade and before they

spread seeds. Tell the director that is what you intend to do.

I have noticed a certain mindset with some gardeners I manage: that they want to blame someone else for their weeds. I tell them you can't garden without weeding, but they insist that I need to talk to so-and-so because their weeds are spreading. They don't believe their perfect plots could possibly produce weeds on their own.

I ask them if, when their kitchen floor is dirty, do they mop it or do they complain to the neighbors about sending their dirt over from next door? They never get the joke.

Lol, I get it.

And, I already told the director that. :eek:) She wasn't concerned at all - in fact she said that she loved the look of them and she frankly didn't know what the problem was with some people this year!

By the way, *I* am the one who planted the violets, and have given the extras to friends there who wanted them. They didn't spread on their own.

Have you heard the "heaping coals" verse? Just keep being super nice to her when you meet

The guilt will really get to her.

"SOME people"! Oh, man. I think she's invented a whole literary sub-genre.

The passive-aggressive gardening-club note. I smell a mystery series in the making! smileys/wink.gif

How unfortunate

How unfortunate that this person is lacking a basic botanical education of the beauty and benefit of native, medicinal and herbal plants. Things I'm sure she would consider “weeds”. I am thinking of those that are still so popular in English country gardens. Wormwood, southernwood, borage, yarrow, flax, stinging nettle, St. John’s Wort, chamomile. Many of these are invasive and lacking in what this poor soul would consider beauty. Pity her and perhaps if you come across a small book of botanical interest you might gift it to her to further her education.

Some people should never be in charge of anything.

They seem to pick on other people and abuse the trust they have been given, and that they are feeding off the power they are given. It's never pretty, and I hope this woman find something else to use her brain power on soon.

I'd be tempted to "drop" a variety of weedy seeds all over her plot when she's not looking.

Also, unless I'm mistaken, this woman isn't in charge of anything except her own mouth, which she isn't doing a very good job of controlling.


Ironically, in the gardens I manage, this woman would be ignored, but someone who "dropped"

weed seeds or anything else in someone else's plot would be immediately kicked out. I have a zero-tolerance rule for tampering with others' gardens.

doesn't chamomile look like little daisies, and aren't violets/violas edible flowers? good reason

to have both in the garden
