NFRC 'Just had to post this update from garden girl...

Maria, I'm w/ U all the way re yr idea, but we'll have 2 sow @ midnight else Joe will boot us out!

Dawn, can you set your email to block her email address? That way you could let the director

take care of the unpleasantness and get back to enjoying your garden.

What a shame she's being such a busybody!

I don't even know her! This particular email was a group one, but it was

speaking about me. Mine, seriously, is one of the best looking ones out there!

Yeah, thinking I'll just drop out of the email group. Not the garden, just the group emails. No more

meetings for me, either. Never even saw the woman until this year, so if I don't get her emails, and don't go to meetings, we should be okay. I think she must be OCD or something.

Come to think of it, I see that she didn't send it to everyone, just the director, who forwarded

it to everyone (maybe by mistake? maybe to let everyone know just to ignore the %^$# flowers and relax?). Anyway, this is taking too much of my energy, so I will just smile and harvest my herbs, vegetables, and flowers while she reaps her bitter whatevers!

I would be tempted to make up a posie of daisies with a ribbon and lean it against the edge of her

plot. The non-self-seeding kind, of course. I think you are entirely entitled to plant edible flower and even decorative ones. Marigolds for example help keep the bugs away.

Is this your store, Barbara? How could I not love a place named after a Copland tune?!

And the dibbler is lovely. Not quite as dagger-y as Joe's example. smileys/wink.gif

No, I promise not to kick you out for thinking vengeful thoughts. The thoughts I have had about

avenging the goat people would shame hell.

At a better time, you could point out to some that having a meadow of flowering plants nearby

and even some in the garden attracts pollinators and can even host pest predators and other beneficial insects and birds. What's a little weeding?


Yes, chamomile has small daisy like flowers and makes the most delightful tea. Good for relaxing. Violets and pansies, and borage are often used in salads and of course orchids are famous as edible decorations in Hawaiian dishes.

'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free...

But you need real stainless steel,
Fo-or tru-ue dibble-ry.
