NFRC. looking for inspiration on a book gift for bookclub gift exchange. no cookbooks, rats.

I liked Outliers b/c you could read a chapter and put it down for a time. While

the chapters build on previous chapters, you could easily read them out of order. He's a New Yorker columnist and I think that's very much reflected in his books. To me, the chapters read like essays.

I was flipping through the book at B&N and found it easy to read. the negative comments on Amazon

were mostly folks who wanted more detailed scientific geeky boring stuff in the book----I wanted something easier to read and still interesting new revelations. It works for me. I honestly almost picked up the new "bathroom reader"

those always have the most interesting short articles. that's not my reading room---but those books are fun to have at the cabin for some light reading, and almost all of the bookclub ladies have cabins. I may go back and pick up the Frances Mayes book. it was lovely.

Glad to hear the recommendation on Frances Mayes book. I've been reading Pelligrini

lately and getting a serious desire to migrate to Italy!

Hysterical! And it also looks like a good trussing method. Un-trussing would be like untying

your shoe. I hate looking for my kitchen shears amidst all the clutter at the last minute.
