NFRC: My basket entry for this year's United Way fundraiser: Princess Tea Party

It is a bit different from all the electronics and gift cards. But then, this

is an engineering firm and the building is filled with 25-30 yr old unmarried male engineers.

A princess theme--with or without tiara--isn't going to draw many buyers.

Well, it's all been said! Congrats Marilyn! I love it and I am sure someone has a niece

that will love it too smileys/smile.gif

Yeah, but she still loved me. I no longer lived at home when she died.

Mom called me and said she thought the time was getting pretty close that if I wanted to see her one more time I should come. So I went and she died a few hours after I left. I always felt like she held on to see me one last time.

Agreed. And god-daughters. Really cute theme basket, Mar.

Someone could even acquire it to turn around and use as a Christmas gift donation to charity.

And Larry did beary beary well in his choice for the basket.

Marilyn, love your big wonderful heart...

and your tea party basket is divine.

I bought the very same tea set for my granddaughter for this coming Christmas! Can't wait to have tea parties with her and her teddies.

And they will be proper cream teas, of course, with the good china tiered tea sandwich pedestals, etc.

How else does one leave a legacy?
