NFRC: well, my youngest daughter is now a Canuck. What's a mother to do :)

I couldn't return because I have too much in Medicare, but my wife couldn't

believe she would be covered without having put any $$ into the system. I told her it is socialized med. so anyone with an address there would be covered.

Thinking some more about this, and advice that we all got long ago: with the extreme shortage of GPs

here, she is wise to invest in a relationship with a capable but young doctor. So many are at retirement age and once you lose a GP, it is almost impossible to get another. It is rare for me to meet someone in my city, who actually has a GP, even people who have lived here all their lives.

I have had to go to a walk-in clinic for the past 3 years (with a 3 hour wait) but even at that, the 2 doctors I was seeing are now both retired.

I think this was advice that came out in the news about 15 years ago. It is worth heeding.
