NFRC You know it's going to be an unusual day when the Secret Service chases

Yet again Traca wins the "most interesting life" award smileys/smile.gif You do do normal, everyday things, right??

I must apologize for opening my mouth about the bus...I should have done more research first

I have read up on it and know that is was added to the fleet by the Secret Security. It can be used by those who need protection in the political world, it seems, if the Secret Security deems it applicable. One hears so much untrue facts on the radio these days and on is indeed wishe to do your own fact finding. Thanks for the head's up.

They threatened to shoot one of the employees where I worked who had a camera out

Our buildings were across the road from where the hangar was that they put the plane and they saw him up on the roof with a camera. Said they could tell it was a camera but told our security folks if he wasn't down in so many minutes they would shoot. This was back during the Bush administration. But they take their job pretty darn seriously. The next time he came to town we were advised not to even pull our cell phones out in the parking lot even if we weren't trying to take pictures and we could not let any of our maintenance folks go on the roof to service anything during that time frame. Mind you it was still a pretty far distance across five lanes not to mention the buildings sat back off the road.

How big is the bus? Do they fly it around like they do the limos and SUVs? I

got a chance to see the vehicles they brought in for the WTO several years ago. One limo for Clinton, one for the Secretary of State, and one for Fidel, who never actually came. Then a dozen or more black SUVs.

LOL! I met that guy in a bar. I waited for my drink & struck up conversation. Can you believe it? smileys/smile.gif

And yes, just yesterday, I bought toilet paper. smileys/smile.gif The glamorous life!

I had to rescue a cafeteria worker from the secret service once ...

Back in the day I worked on a town meeting when Clinton came to our company. Part of that was being point person with the SS. It's the whole nine yards, guys on rooftops, bomb dogs, the whole thing* and once an area is cleared people only reentered with IDs through checkpoints. Well, somehow one of our cafeteria workers didn't get the memo on protocol for the day and came in through a backdoor into the cafeteria, where SS found him, he wasn't on the list, didn't speak English and I had to sprint through the building to ID him after getting the call they had someone at gunpoint down there. That kid must've been scared to death. It hadn't been his planned day to work so he wasn't even aware of the visit at all.

*Advance prep started weeks prior and SS was onsite several days prior. The amount of work to pull it off was - a LOT. With only a handful of people knowing it was happening.

Don't know about the bus, but think local police/etc pick up a lot of those costs

At least that's what I've heard on the TeeVee (so it must be true). He travels often to dine with the Silicon Valley types and they always run a report on how much it costs local law enforcement when he travels here.

What a fun adventure! The empty freeway must've been very strange!

My most annoying motorcade encounter was leaving a 49er game. Now we all know leaving a stadium event is traffic hell, but we were all pulled over by police and made to wait, wait, wait and then wait some more, only to see the big black police escorted limo with the personalized plates that said "Da Mayor" on it. Yeah, Willie Brown, we were not amused.

Thank you for that Karen and I also apologize for being overly

sensitive. I also listen to talk radio and I MUST get off facebook! It's making me crazy!

I wish that someday all this was not necessary to keep our

elected safe. Who ever they may be. I will always keep that hope.

I work on Elmendorf AFB and Air Force One lands here several times a year. my office is right next

to the tarmac and we were outside on one visit when the President actually departed the plane, right in front of our building. we were all taking pictures and in a few minutes Security was all over our parking lot, taking everyone's cameras and making us delete all the photos of Air Force One. Aparently, you can take photos of the President, but not Air Force One.

Sounds like when my brother worked at the Embassy in Moscow during the cold war. The KGB would take

his film. The only things we have as momentoes from his time in Moscow...were the things he bought on the black market.

Yes, but you actually USE the toilet paper for which it is intended...or did you

fashion it into a wedding dress and veil?

I helped out the Secret Service one year at Fleet Week, that was crazy

I was working at a Fleet Week event at the St. Francis Yacht Club, my friend was running the event and needed a back up person. We were escorting the Admiralty and their guests and local politicos to their seating on the view deck they built on the roof of the Yacht Club when all of a sudden a bunch of lost tourists barged in. They purchased tickets for viewing the Parade of Ships on the Marina Green and just talked their way into the Yacht Club having their confirmation papers and no one tackled them on it. I stepped right in front of them and smiled, can I help you?? They tried to barge past me but I kept them at bay, and shooed them away from the VIPs (who were looking around at them saying, Who are they??). I had to physically walk them out to the guest elevator, talking calmly all the way, holding this one lady's arm as she tried to wriggle past! Her husband was a loud mouthed pushy man with a monstrous suit and Rolex, you know the type. Just as I was walking them out of the building the Mayor's aide and the Secret Service were securing the entrance for the arrival of Senator Feinstein and our mayor, who was, as always, running late. The Secret Service were about to detain the tourist group but I said, let me just get them out of here, it will take 2 minutes, max. and they stepped aside. I ran to the valet and got them to bring their car over immediately and I walked the lady into the car. Then the loud-mouthed man really balked and was yelling in my face, "How dare I make them leave, we want to stay here!"and the aide and I both "helped" him in his car saying, if you don't leave *right now* the Secret Service will arrest you! So they drove off, and a moment later the entourage for the Senator rounded the corner of the drive. Talk about timing! The aide and the lead agent both gave me a hug, and later the Rear Admiral thanked me personally for diffusing an awkward situation. The best part was that I helped my friend look good as managing the event under all circumstances. Later in the day the mayor punched me in the arm, but that's another story. LOL I miss working these kinds of events...

Nah...where's the fun in that? I had drinks with Tony

Bourdain the last time he was in town. That guy travels 275 days a year for his show, plus appearances. Dog tired, he was. "When I get home, you think I'm going to Bernadin for dinner? No way. While it's a great restaurant, all I want is my couch and a Katz's pastrami."

I like the unscripted randomness of the people I meet. Last week, I met up with Rick Bayless, and the next day, a homeless guy was reading me poetry in a parking lot. And frankly, the homeless guy was more fun. (Rick was "on," friendly but polite and on his game.)

My friend Crescent used to write interviews for Rolling Stone. When I first started rubbing elbows with celebs, she told me, "There are two kinds of people you'll meet...under-interviewed and over-interviewed. The under-interviewed don't have a censor developed yet. They'll tell you anything. The over-interviewed stick closely to script and will tell you nothing. Your job is to overcome that." I don't want to do battle with over-interviewed folks. They know the drill, and now, so do I. smileys/smile.gif I prefer the up-and-commers, and the people who don't usually get press. Much more interesting conversation.
