Nigella Lawson is coming


Well-known member
to FoodTv. Is she replacing anyone is the tv line up or just a new addition? Either way, I can't wait to watch!!!

I thought maybe it

would be Sandra Dee. To be honest, I don't like her recipes or her "table scapes." I just think she is awful.

What do you think comes first....her outfit or the curtains (and color coordinated everything>>>

behind her)?

It truly is a sad state of affairs...

The first sentence in that link says it all: "The Food Network is responding to its growing popularity by giving viewers more of what they want: fewer straight-cooking shows and more food-related programming."


So Food TV wants to be entertainment about playing with food. Grade schoolers love to do that as well.

They lost me as a regular viewer a while back. Instead, I'm immersing myself in getting great teachers on CD from the library and I'm having such a better time than watching Food Networks schlock programming.

Alas, it was a grand idea and I spent many happy years with them and learned a lot. All you can learn on the Food Network now is how to be a jack@$$ in front of a tv camera.

ditto from me, Richard. I stopped watching the Food Network long ago. It is just "entertainment"

for the most part. For me it is not so interesting.

I totally agree - "All you can learn on the *Food Network* now is....

how to be a jack@$$ in front of a tv camera." One can insert pretty much any tv network in its place. Not too much good programming anywhere.

I think that the decline occurred more rapidly than I had expected it to do. I still think that the

likes of Emeril have done a great service to getting people into the kitchens and thinking creatively but I had hoped that there was a limit to their influence and that the audience would progress to wanting to KNOW more and LEARN and to THINK independently, rather than be entertained.

Sara, in my opinion, was one of the best. She drew from a great deal of experience and shared it with her audience in a way that did not humiliate. She did not attempt to make each half hour a party about the ubiquitous garlic and yahoo vodka. She did not miss an opportunity to slip in a mini-lesson as she was in motion. She made that half-hour meaningful. And it took some creativity to whip all of that together into a theme to give substance to a 30 minute show.

I regretted the disappearance of her first program and am saddened by the 'decline' of the audience if it allows her current program to disappear. What has become of us??!! Have we become the vegetables that we are so eager to learn to master?

AARGH what duds we have become in front of the TV screen. We were given an opportunity to learn, to think, to transfer learning experiences, to create and to share the fun of an activity that we can all identify with; shortly thereafter, we sit back and want to be entertained with minimal effort instead.

I saw the creative cooking shows as being compensation for all the violence and ridiculous 'comedy' films that are being produced. To me, the next closing of a Sara series seems like an ominous indication of a failure to provide the stimulation that we so badly need.
