Non-food related article....

You should send this to Phil Plait over on Bad Astronomy on Slate...

He is a huge voice against the anti-vaccine movement. Honestly, I thought all this would go away when Andrew Wakefield not only was exposed as a fraud, but then admitted he made it all up.

All I can think is younger people don't have in their experience what these illnesses can really do. My neighbor is in a wheelchair due to polio - I remember when she got it.

Oh and I yell at the tv when I see this kind of stuff too. smileys/smile.gif

You Go Girl!!!!

Went to the site....

...registered and all, but could not find a way to leave a comment or contact him

if you have access, would you send it to him????

A cousin who is a well known pediatrician in his city tells patients who

request no vaccination that they will have to find another practice to care for their child--that it is not in their best interest or congruent with his medical ethics.

Unfortunately, the anti-vaxers will not listen to reason. I have an older sister who is one.

She also believes in chemtrails and that vitamins will cure all that ails you...including cancer. She gave my mother, who is moving to a Memory Care facility this week a gallon Ziplock bag full of loose "vitamins" and told her to take them,. She also told my sister who died of cancer in December that she just need to increase her B12 and not to listen to her doctors.

I come from a family of Looney-Tunes.

Yeah, Michael, I understand. I do, as our family includes a sister who... basically on her own path, and she brings her kids along with her. This path she's on can only be taken when truth, facts, reason, logic and good, old-fashioned common sense is left at the trail head and never retrieved.

But, I must add, there are several issues we face as members of this current culture where common sense and truth mean nothing to those who are willfully ignorant, intolerant, and unabashedly dismissive of constructive examination of same.

We live in a time where data is plentiful, but wisdom is in drastically short supply.


Got one of those too!

Chemtrails...or whatever conspiracy theory you can think of. One time admitting actual facts are irrelevant (and then -"whose facts?!") Maybe one per family is a requirement?

Great piece and I shared on FB and twitter. I am still upset I got pertussis for 5 months

from an unvaccinated person. There were times I really thought I would not make it, waking up in the middle of the night not being able to take a breath, all of the lovely symptoms of extreme, severe coughing.... My immunologist said that people who are against vaccinations have the same mindset as extreme religious fanatics or people with extreme political beliefs, no matter what you say you cannot sway them.

are you immune now from ever getting it again? just wondering if your vaccination didn't take and if

we all need to get re-vaccinated---those of us after a certain age??

Supposedly the vaccination is good for 5 years, although it's packaged as

TDAP (tetanus, dyptheria, pertussis) and the tetanus is good for 10 years so they say every 10 years for the TDAP.

I received a TDAP in 2012 and got pertussis in the fall of 2013 so my immunologist thinks that either the vaccination didn't fully protect me, as it is a weaker as acellular and she said it only works 80% of the time, which is why the herd immunity is so important. Or, it could be that my immunity is "special". I am supposedly immune for how long I am not sure and will get retested in 2018.

After I was recovered from the pertussis she tested all of my antibodies and found I'm still got them for all the other major things except chicken pox, I get the vaccine tomorrow....

so, yes, you all need to be revaccinated if you haven't had a booster.

and it might be good to get your other antibodies tested too.
